"The situation in Los Angeles has become critical for Black Americans! We are being decimated! We are being run out of our employment in the public and private sectors and being replaced by foreigners! This is forcing us into homelessness or prison concentration centers like Twin Towers! We are being killed by Latino/Hispanic Fascist Death Squads that are targeting innocent Black American youth at random. We are being killed by Hispanics in LAPD or beat up and framed by Hispanics in LAPD and the Sheriff's department.Our so called Black politicians remain silent and take no actions!"
Go to http://www.forgottenamericans.org/
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Civil Rights Leaders Criticized for Silence on Sudan Slavery
"'I am outraged that more of us, particularly of the African American leadership, have not talked about the slave trade that I witnessed with my own eyes in the Sudan,"(Rev. Al) Sharpton told CNSNews.com. Sharpton traveled to the Sudan on a fact-finding mission in the spring of 2001."
"The Sudanese government denies the slavery allegations despite eyewitness accounts by Sharpton and others, as well as documented evidence."
Go to http://www.crosswalk.com/1202707/
"The Sudanese government denies the slavery allegations despite eyewitness accounts by Sharpton and others, as well as documented evidence."
Go to http://www.crosswalk.com/1202707/
Old News -- African-Americans Are Deafeningly Silent on Kosovo
"Perhaps the biggest reason for African-American silence about Kosovo is that the U.S. attacks were not initiated by conservative Republican Presidents Bush or Reagan. The Kosovo air war is Clinton's and since blacks remain his staunchest defenders, they will take great care -- just as they did during the impeachment -- to avoid doing or saying anything they think will aid his conservative Republican enemies."
Go to http://www.pacificnews.org/jinn/stories/5.08/990419-kosovo.html
Go to http://www.pacificnews.org/jinn/stories/5.08/990419-kosovo.html
Williams takes on black America’s leadership in new book ‘Enough’
"National Public Radio senior correspondent and FOX News political analyst Juan Williams airs black America’s dirty laundry in his new book, 'Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America — and What We Can Do About It.' Williams exhorts so-called black leaders to return to the days when leadership had meaning and purpose beyond corporate shakedowns, scandals and outdated rants about the sins of white people."
Williams says: "I think it’s time to say, 'Enough.' That’s enough of the silence. See what the silence has brought us. Kids dropping out of school, babies having babies, so many black and brown faces in jail. I find that there are a couple things going on. Obviously, as we spoke about earlier, there’s kind of an enforced silence in the black community. [I]f you dare to break with us, you’re a heretic, you’re a black conservative, you’re a Republican, you’re a buppy, you’re a bourgeois, whatever. "
Go to http://www.examiner.com/a-327718~LaShawn_Barber__Williams_takes_on_black_America_s_leadership_in_new_book__Enough_.html
Williams says: "I think it’s time to say, 'Enough.' That’s enough of the silence. See what the silence has brought us. Kids dropping out of school, babies having babies, so many black and brown faces in jail. I find that there are a couple things going on. Obviously, as we spoke about earlier, there’s kind of an enforced silence in the black community. [I]f you dare to break with us, you’re a heretic, you’re a black conservative, you’re a Republican, you’re a buppy, you’re a bourgeois, whatever. "
Go to http://www.examiner.com/a-327718~LaShawn_Barber__Williams_takes_on_black_America_s_leadership_in_new_book__Enough_.html
Black leaders back Cosby's straight talk
"'The first time, people were shocked,' Miss Brazile said. 'And forget the fact that he is a comedian/actor — he has been a scholar on black issues for decades and he has written a book on fatherhood — and the people who should be ashamed of themselves are the leaders who are being silent.'"
Go to http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040704-121543-2465r.htm
Go to http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040704-121543-2465r.htm
Black America Long Silent On Bad Behavior
"But just as victory appeared to be in sight, something went wrong -- something that Gates believes too few black leaders are willing to talk about."
Go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A13317-2004Mar21?language=printer
Go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A13317-2004Mar21?language=printer
Black Leaders Silent Over Mugabe's Destruction of Zimbabwe
"One naturally asks where the Black Congressional Caucus, NAACP and other civil rights organizations -- who in the 1960s were demonstrating and calling for the end of English rule -- are. There's a deafening silence, the same silence when Africa's black tyrants elsewhere on the continent commit brutalities making those committed by former colonial masters pale in comparison. Their positions don't differ from one that holds that blacks are exempted from the civilized standards of conduct demanded from whites. Or might it be that America's civil-rights establishment feels that brutalization of blacks by blacks doesn't hurt as much? "
Go to http://www.capmag.com/article.asp?ID=1963
Go to http://www.capmag.com/article.asp?ID=1963
Why are black leaders silent on black hate crimes?
by Earl Ofari Hutchinson
"The deafening silence by blacks on this apparent racial outrage against whites instantly drew shouts from some whites that blacks are hypocrites and have a double standard when victims are whites. They're not totally wrong. Black leaders and organizations should have quickly condemned the shootings. The victims of Taylor's rampage were innocents who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and were shot because they were white."
Go to http://dir.salon.com/story/news/feature/2000/03/06/hate/index.html
"The deafening silence by blacks on this apparent racial outrage against whites instantly drew shouts from some whites that blacks are hypocrites and have a double standard when victims are whites. They're not totally wrong. Black leaders and organizations should have quickly condemned the shootings. The victims of Taylor's rampage were innocents who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and were shot because they were white."
Go to http://dir.salon.com/story/news/feature/2000/03/06/hate/index.html
Still Slaves in Mauritania
"'I still have the scars from my beatings, like my mother and sisters,' said the 32-year-old Mauritanian, staring at the floor, dressed in flowing pale-blue embroidered robes. 'All they gave us to eat were leftovers.'"
Go to http://en.epochtimes.com/news/6-12-6/49020.html
Go to http://en.epochtimes.com/news/6-12-6/49020.html
Saudi Religious Leader Calls for Slavery's Legalization
"Well, I was wrong about slavery being a taboo subject. We learn today from the dissident Saudi Information Agency that a prominent Saudi religious authority recently called for slavery to be re-legalized in the kingdom. Ali Al-Ahmed reports on the views of Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, the author of a religious textbook (At-Tawhid, 'Monotheism') widely used to teach Saudi high school students as well as their counterparts abroad studying in Saudi schools (including those in the West).
"'Slavery is a part of Islam,' he announced in a recent lecture. 'Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.' He argued against the idea that slavery had ever been abolished, insulting those who espouse this view as 'ignorant, not scholars. They are merely writers. Whoever says such things is an infidel.'"
Go to http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/123
"'Slavery is a part of Islam,' he announced in a recent lecture. 'Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.' He argued against the idea that slavery had ever been abolished, insulting those who espouse this view as 'ignorant, not scholars. They are merely writers. Whoever says such things is an infidel.'"
Go to http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/123
Mauritanian Leader Calls for Abolishment of Slavery
"The military ruler of Mauritania called Friday for his countrymen to stamp out slavery — a rare official acknowledgment that the long-outlawed practice continues in the northwest African country."
Go to http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,197311,00.html
Go to http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,197311,00.html
I Must Abolish All Forms of Involuntary Servitude.
(from Amazon.com)
The author, Samuel Cotton,
January 26, 1999
Black American' Journey into African slavery today.
My name is Samuel Cotton, and I am the author of Silent Terror. I am writing to thank you, as those suffering in the wretchedness of slavery thank you, for showing an interest in the plight of today's black slave.
The publishing of Silent Terror has been long awaited by the enslaved Africans of Mauritania--an Islamic Republic located in Northwest Africa. Long awaited, for it will mark the first time, that the slaves of Mauritania will have a voice in contemporary literature.
Silent Terror exposes the centuries old practice of buying, selling and breeding of black Africans by Arab-Berbers in a country that is 100% Muslim. It it, therefore, a story of how racial hatred supercedes religious brotherhood.
It is also my story, the story of an African-American's struggle to come to grips with the legacy of slavery and the brutal revelation that slavery continues to thrive in Africa today.
The work examines the problems encountered when an activist attempts to bring this terrible knowledge of contemporary slavery to the American public.
The story began for me as an investigative journalist working on a piece for the City Sun, a weekly black newspaper based in New York City. As I research my subject I stumbled across a research piece by Human Rights Watch/Africa which stated:
"The institution of slavery continues today in Mauritania, especially in the countryside.Tens of thousands of blacks are considered the property of their masters and are subjected entirely to their masters will.
They work long hours for no remuneration. They are denied access to education and do not enjoy the freedom to marry or to associate freely with other blacks. They escape servitude, not by exercising their "legal" rights, but mainly through escape. Ignorance of their rights, fear of recapture and the torture that often follows, and the lack of marketable skills in an impoverished country discourage a substantial number of slaves from trying to escape."
This data and a wealth of other credible sources of information would spur me on to write a series of essays and news articles that would create a controversy in the black community.
When the essays were published, they would anger the Nation of Islam and trigger a series of debates on radio and television with that organization. The NOI under Minister Louis Farrakhan stated that there was no slavery in Africa and that it was all a lie. The black Muslims stated that the charge of African slavery by Arab Moors was simply a Jewish plot to separate and divide the black and Arab community and stop the growth of Islam, particularly, in the black community.
To answer these charges I would travel to Africa and work undercover for 28 days conducting ethnographic research and creating a film and audio record of contemporary African slavery under the Arabs of Mauritania.
There in Mauritania, I would be transported back into the past. I would interview slaves, runaway slaves, anti-slavery leaders and free African abolitionists. I would be forced to come to grips with my African past, not in some nostalgic fantasy, but in all of stark and brutal reality.
Silent Terror captures, with interviews and photographs, that painful journey to Africa and the important events that transpired after my return to the United States.
Samuel Cotton
The author, Samuel Cotton,
January 26, 1999
Black American' Journey into African slavery today.
My name is Samuel Cotton, and I am the author of Silent Terror. I am writing to thank you, as those suffering in the wretchedness of slavery thank you, for showing an interest in the plight of today's black slave.
The publishing of Silent Terror has been long awaited by the enslaved Africans of Mauritania--an Islamic Republic located in Northwest Africa. Long awaited, for it will mark the first time, that the slaves of Mauritania will have a voice in contemporary literature.
Silent Terror exposes the centuries old practice of buying, selling and breeding of black Africans by Arab-Berbers in a country that is 100% Muslim. It it, therefore, a story of how racial hatred supercedes religious brotherhood.
It is also my story, the story of an African-American's struggle to come to grips with the legacy of slavery and the brutal revelation that slavery continues to thrive in Africa today.
The work examines the problems encountered when an activist attempts to bring this terrible knowledge of contemporary slavery to the American public.
The story began for me as an investigative journalist working on a piece for the City Sun, a weekly black newspaper based in New York City. As I research my subject I stumbled across a research piece by Human Rights Watch/Africa which stated:
"The institution of slavery continues today in Mauritania, especially in the countryside.Tens of thousands of blacks are considered the property of their masters and are subjected entirely to their masters will.
They work long hours for no remuneration. They are denied access to education and do not enjoy the freedom to marry or to associate freely with other blacks. They escape servitude, not by exercising their "legal" rights, but mainly through escape. Ignorance of their rights, fear of recapture and the torture that often follows, and the lack of marketable skills in an impoverished country discourage a substantial number of slaves from trying to escape."
This data and a wealth of other credible sources of information would spur me on to write a series of essays and news articles that would create a controversy in the black community.
When the essays were published, they would anger the Nation of Islam and trigger a series of debates on radio and television with that organization. The NOI under Minister Louis Farrakhan stated that there was no slavery in Africa and that it was all a lie. The black Muslims stated that the charge of African slavery by Arab Moors was simply a Jewish plot to separate and divide the black and Arab community and stop the growth of Islam, particularly, in the black community.
To answer these charges I would travel to Africa and work undercover for 28 days conducting ethnographic research and creating a film and audio record of contemporary African slavery under the Arabs of Mauritania.
There in Mauritania, I would be transported back into the past. I would interview slaves, runaway slaves, anti-slavery leaders and free African abolitionists. I would be forced to come to grips with my African past, not in some nostalgic fantasy, but in all of stark and brutal reality.
Silent Terror captures, with interviews and photographs, that painful journey to Africa and the important events that transpired after my return to the United States.
Samuel Cotton
The Coalition Against Slavery in Mauritania and Sudan (CASMAS)
"The Coalition Against Slavery in Mauritania and Sudan (CASMAS) is a human rights, abolitionist movement started by activists from Mauritania, Sudan and the United States on March 5, 1995. The mission of CASMAS is to bring together abolitionists/human rights groups from Mauritania, South Sudan and North America to collectively fight for the eradication of institutionalized and chattel slavery and other forms of human rights violations in Africa, especially in Mauritania and Sudan."
Go to http://members.aol.com/casmasalc/aboutcasmas.html
Go to http://members.aol.com/casmasalc/aboutcasmas.html
MAURITANIA: A future free from slavery?
"Despite the legal abolition of slavery in Mauritania in 1981 there is no evidence to suggest that practical steps have been taken to ensure its abolition in practice. Human rights abuses related to slavery persist in Mauritania, although the government denies their existence. Mauritania's own laws and its international human rights obligations prohibit slavery, but anyone escaping slavery has no legal protection, there is considerable discrimination against those who have ceased to be enslaved and there is no official will to take the necessary remedial action to fully eradicate this socially divisive system."
Go to http://www.amnestyusa.org/regions/africa/document.do?id=25532A524AF55AAA80256C5B00529287
Go to http://www.amnestyusa.org/regions/africa/document.do?id=25532A524AF55AAA80256C5B00529287
Black Slavery is Alive in 2001
"Slavery in the Sudan is in part a result of a 15-year war by the Muslim north against the black Christian and animist south. Arab militias, armed by the Khartoum government, raid villages, mostly those of the Dinka tribe. They shoot the men and enslave the women and children. Women and children are kept as personal property or they're taken north and auctioned off."
Go to http://capmag.com/article.asp?ID=67
Go to http://capmag.com/article.asp?ID=67
United Nations Report on Slavery in North Africa (Excerpts)
"In most of the cases brought to the attention of the Government of the Sudan, the reported perpetrators belong to the Sudanese army and the PDF, which are under the control of the Government of the Sudan. Even in the cases involving members of different tribal militias, the slavery occurred within the context of the war and there are the same perpetrators (Arabs) and victimes (Nubans and southerners). This indicated a deliberate policy on the part of the Government to ignore or even condone this practice of slavery as a way of fighting the civil war by other means."
Go to http://www.iabolish.org/slavery_today/sudan/un.html
Go to http://www.iabolish.org/slavery_today/sudan/un.html
Slavery of Africans by Africans
Naw, those White folks invented slavery. Africans all loved each other and never even thought about slavery....
"At the dawn of the transatlantic trade, slavery was not new, nor were Africans the only people to be enslaved. Slavery is mentioned in the Bible, and most ancient societies including Egypt, China, India, Mexico, Peru and Greece made use of slave labor. Slaves were usually prisoners of war, conquered peoples, debtors or criminals. In Europe, the Roman Empire took slaves from every nation it overcame, including England, France, Spain and Germany. Slavery persisted in the Mediterranean Basin throughout the 17th century.
"The institution of slavery was present in Africa long before the arrival of Europeans on its shores - slaves had been taken from parts of the continent since the time of ancient Egypt. In the early 19th century, caravans of 18,000 to 20,000 black Africans were brought to Cairo for resale, and slaves of every color were sold in the great markets of North Africa, even as late as the first part of the 20th century.
"…By 1650, most of the coastal states in Europe had possessions in the Americas. The Spaniards dominated Central America, the Dutch and Portuguese colonized in Brazil, and the English and the French had settlements primarily in the West Indies and North America. All of these countries eventually imported slaves from Africa to support their American colonies. European royalty, nobility and leading merchants were the principal supporters and benefactors of the slave trade."
Go to http://www.epado.bravehost.com/whiteslaves04.htm
"At the dawn of the transatlantic trade, slavery was not new, nor were Africans the only people to be enslaved. Slavery is mentioned in the Bible, and most ancient societies including Egypt, China, India, Mexico, Peru and Greece made use of slave labor. Slaves were usually prisoners of war, conquered peoples, debtors or criminals. In Europe, the Roman Empire took slaves from every nation it overcame, including England, France, Spain and Germany. Slavery persisted in the Mediterranean Basin throughout the 17th century.
"The institution of slavery was present in Africa long before the arrival of Europeans on its shores - slaves had been taken from parts of the continent since the time of ancient Egypt. In the early 19th century, caravans of 18,000 to 20,000 black Africans were brought to Cairo for resale, and slaves of every color were sold in the great markets of North Africa, even as late as the first part of the 20th century.
"…By 1650, most of the coastal states in Europe had possessions in the Americas. The Spaniards dominated Central America, the Dutch and Portuguese colonized in Brazil, and the English and the French had settlements primarily in the West Indies and North America. All of these countries eventually imported slaves from Africa to support their American colonies. European royalty, nobility and leading merchants were the principal supporters and benefactors of the slave trade."
Go to http://www.epado.bravehost.com/whiteslaves04.htm
African Slavery and Its Denial by Blacks
"But increased publicity about the existence of slavery in Africa at last has provoked the African-American community to begin addressing the issue. Black leaders have been reluctant to wade into the controversy for many reasons: African-Americans tend to think of slavery solely as the transatlantic trade; there are moral ambiguities involved in criticizing independent African countries that also are the victims of propaganda seeking solely to discredit them; the pervasive influence of Islam on the black freedom movement and the reluctance to condemn fellow Muslims. But those barriers are falling and many more black groups are joining the ranks of the new abolitionists. It's about time."
Go to http://www.commondreams.org/views01/0507-03.htm
Go to http://www.commondreams.org/views01/0507-03.htm
Slavery Today in Africa is Still Horrific
"Williams’ tales of Muslim atrocities are horrific. Six-year-old Mawien Ahir Bol failed to clean a goat pen to his master’s satisfaction. The penalty: His index finger was cut off. Yak Kenyang Adieu’s punishment for being too sick to tend to his master’s goats was the loss of all fingers on his right hand. Williams’ trip freed, through purchase, these two boys and 20 other slaves. Should you be interested in learning more about slavery, the American Anti-Slavery Group’s web site is: www.anti-slavery.org."
Go to http://www.massnews.com/past_issues/2001/march%202001/marafrica.htm
Go to http://www.massnews.com/past_issues/2001/march%202001/marafrica.htm
Africa, The Holocausts of Rwanda and Sudan
"Ethnic cleansing, slavery and genocide are atrocities that the world abhors. Yet in spite of this time of rapid communications and travel, news of these types of events is seldom known or recognized until way after the horrors are perpetrated. A mandate by all the world powers in 1948 to move decisively to stop these actions has only served fearful world powers to cautiously recognize that these holocausts were really taking place, mostly after the fact. The tenet that the United Nations was formed to precisely identify and stop these kinds of base human behaviors has been lost. Instead the UN has morphed into a bureaucratic nightmare that is lost in protocol and ineffectiveness on the world scene with some exceptions. The world Churches, Temples and Mosques too, have ignored their responsibility to call attention to the atrocities and then to provide the kind of help needed to solve the problems. They too have lost their moral compass. The conscience of the world has been governed by political correctness rather then humanitarian needs. The countries of Europe have ignored the Gulag and the Holocaust, relegating them to a corner of history that they have conveniently forgotten. The Far East countries have decided that these affairs are too far away and pay little attention. The front line of knowledge and human aid to ease the starvation, slavery and killing has been relegated to unselfish NGOs (non-governmental organizations) which raise money, medicine, redeem slaves, bring in food and generally report the situation to the world which does not want to hear about the turmoil and problems."
Go to http://www.lnsart.com/four_stories_of_africa%20preface.htm
Go to http://www.lnsart.com/four_stories_of_africa%20preface.htm
Slavery today, yes it is still happening!
"Research has uncovered this practice plus documenting and analyzing the hatred that the Arab minority holds for Blacks, both slave and free, in a country where everyone is Muslim. It is in this part of the world where the use of religion and language successfully enslave Blacks and practiced is a process by which Arab masters produce submissive slaves. There are stories that reveal the capacity for hope and courage and some former slaves too. Many have become abolitionist leaders as well."
Go to http://www.aaregistry.com/african_american_history/1529/Slavery_today_yes_it_is_still_happening
Go to http://www.aaregistry.com/african_american_history/1529/Slavery_today_yes_it_is_still_happening
Fleeing slavery in Africa
"'Certainly slavery exists in Mauritania and is found in all ethnic groups,' Cheikh Saad Bouh Kamara, a U.N. consultant on slavery, said by telephone from Paris. 'They are not chained, or sold, but the men and the women are considered as the property of their masters.'"
Blacks have the right to enslave Blacks, but Whites do not have the right to enslave Blacks, right?
Go to http://www.washtimes.com/world/20040212-121023-9272r.htm
Blacks have the right to enslave Blacks, but Whites do not have the right to enslave Blacks, right?
Go to http://www.washtimes.com/world/20040212-121023-9272r.htm
Slavery In Sudan is Real
"Slavery in Sudan is real and alive. Sudan is the largest country in Africa, located in North east Africa, and south of Egypt. To the North east is the Red sea, and to the east is Ethiopia. The Northern part of Sudan is the Arab Islamic north and to the Southern part is the African Christian and animist south. Slavery in Sudan has existed for centuries, and it is a well known fact and history. Slavery was introduced in the Sudan by the Arabs who came across the Red Sea and conquered and Islamized some of the indigenous African People who originally inhabited the whole of Sudan. The African tribes were slowly pushed south due to wars between them and the Arabs. It must be known that slavery was abolished in Sudan by the British during their colonial rule."
Go to http://www.africansudanesesociety.freehomepage.com/custom4.html
Go to http://www.africansudanesesociety.freehomepage.com/custom4.html
The impact of the slave trade on Africa
"The African continent was bled of its human resources via all possible routes. Across the Sahara, through the Red Sea, from the Indian Ocean ports and across the Atlantic. At least ten centuries of slavery for the benefit of the Muslim countries (from the ninth to the nineteenth). Then more than four centuries (from the end of the fifteenth to the nineteenth) of a regular slave trade to build the Americas and the prosperity of the Christian states of Europe. The figures, even where hotly disputed, make your head spin. Four million slaves exported via the Red Sea, another four million through the Swahili ports of the Indian Ocean, perhaps as many as nine million along the trans-Saharan caravan route, and eleven to twenty million (depending on the author) across the Atlantic Ocean."
Seems Whites do not have a monopoly on slavery.
Go to http://mondediplo.com/1998/04/02africa
Seems Whites do not have a monopoly on slavery.
Go to http://mondediplo.com/1998/04/02africa
Rwanda: Gov't, U.S. Discuss Darfur
"President Paul Kagame yesterday met a senior US government official, and among others, discussed the current diplomatic impasse over the future of peacekeeping operations in Sudanese Darfur region."
Go to http://allafrica.com/stories/200703170150.html
Go to http://allafrica.com/stories/200703170150.html
Sudan: Living With the Threat of Rape in Darfur
"'We were scared,' Khadija Sebit Sulieman said. Still gripping the axe she had been using to cut wood, she added: 'This is the place where the Arabs [militias] used to attack us.'"
Go to http://allafrica.com/stories/200703140680.html
Go to http://allafrica.com/stories/200703140680.html
Zimbabwe: Africans Should 'Hang Heads in Shame' - Tutu
"In a statement issued by his office in Cape Town, Tutu asked: 'How can what is happening... elicit hardly a word of concern let alone condemnation from us leaders of Africa?'"
Go to http://allafrica.com/stories/200703160013.html
Go to http://allafrica.com/stories/200703160013.html
AU concern at Zimbabwe violence
The African Union has urged Zimbabwe to respect democratic principles and human rights as the political crisis in the country deepens.
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6462117.stm
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6462117.stm
Stop BET's Exploitation of the Black Community
To BET President and Management,
Recent outcries from the public, particularly Black America, advise your station to STOP broadcasting the negative images of Blacks to families and children. The exploitation of Black women, the promotion of gangster Rap ghetto shows, and the glamorizing of materialism, and offer your public a more wholesome programming schedule.
The people DEMAND more positive shows on education, business, personal finance, children, families, positive relationships, intelligent debate, community development, and many other POSITIVE images for Blacks to learn and grow from.
The people IMPLORE you to end the moral genocide against the very people who support you and whom you represent to the world. If you do not, the actions taken against you will follow.
A major media campaign against you will be launched by hundreds of activist groups and Black leaders to STOP BET's MORAL GENOCIDE AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE!
Believe that this movement will persist until you change your paradigm and help develop and portray better standards of Black life in America.
Black America!
Go to http://afromerica.com/submissions/betletter.php
Recent outcries from the public, particularly Black America, advise your station to STOP broadcasting the negative images of Blacks to families and children. The exploitation of Black women, the promotion of gangster Rap ghetto shows, and the glamorizing of materialism, and offer your public a more wholesome programming schedule.
The people DEMAND more positive shows on education, business, personal finance, children, families, positive relationships, intelligent debate, community development, and many other POSITIVE images for Blacks to learn and grow from.
The people IMPLORE you to end the moral genocide against the very people who support you and whom you represent to the world. If you do not, the actions taken against you will follow.
A major media campaign against you will be launched by hundreds of activist groups and Black leaders to STOP BET's MORAL GENOCIDE AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE!
Believe that this movement will persist until you change your paradigm and help develop and portray better standards of Black life in America.
Black America!
Go to http://afromerica.com/submissions/betletter.php
One Black Leader Speaks Out on Darfur, Sudan
“'As Black people, we ought to know that we are having a devastating replay of a 500-year-old story – one of genocide and displacement whenever Black, Brown or Red people are found to be living on land with value,' says the Rev. Walter Faunteroy, the former delegate to Congress from Washington, D.C. “Once these people have been driven off the land … they are kept in poverty and maintained as a source of cheap labor.”
Go to http://www.bet.com/News/Archives/BET.com+-+Black+Leaders+Highlight+Crisis+in+Sudan+946.htm?mb=1
Go to http://www.bet.com/News/Archives/BET.com+-+Black+Leaders+Highlight+Crisis+in+Sudan+946.htm?mb=1
Breaking the Silence
"Yet in too many black neighborhoods today, academic achievement has actually come to be stigmatized. 'We are just not the same people anymore,' says the mayor of Memphis, Dr. Willie W. Herenton. 'We are worse off than we were before Brown v. Board,' says Dr. James Comer, a child psychiatrist at Yale. 'And a large part of the reason for this is that we have abandoned our own black traditional core values, values that sustained us through slavery and Jim Crow segregation.'"
"...Are white racists forcing black teenagers to drop out of school or to have babies?"
(Maybe we should go to the Genocide Dance and "Exterminate All White People" -- a parody. Look for that post.)
Go to http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/01/opinion/01gates.html?ex=1249099200&en=7d01ef033fbbc032&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland
"...Are white racists forcing black teenagers to drop out of school or to have babies?"
(Maybe we should go to the Genocide Dance and "Exterminate All White People" -- a parody. Look for that post.)
Go to http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/01/opinion/01gates.html?ex=1249099200&en=7d01ef033fbbc032&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland
Blacks MIA (missing in action) at Darfur rally
"As momentum increased last Sunday with a rally to end the slaughter of civilians in Darfur, Sudan, Blacks were few and far between in a sea of White protesters on the National Mall. 'Save Darfur' campaign rhetoric claims that the appeal of the movement is its assorted religious groups, its protesters from diverse socio-economic backgrounds and political affiliations—but did the average Black person get the memo?"
Go to http://www.chicagodefender.com/page/national.cfm?ArticleID=5304
Go to http://www.chicagodefender.com/page/national.cfm?ArticleID=5304
Friday, March 16, 2007
"While much has been written concerning the Transatlantic slave trade, surprisingly little attention has been given to the Islamic slave trade across the Sahara, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. While the European involvement in the Transatlantic slave trade to the Americas lasted for just over three centuries, the Arab involvement in the slave trade has lasted fourteen centuries, and in some parts of the Muslim world is still continuing to this day."
Go to http://www.truthandgrace.com/muslimslavery.htm
Go to http://www.truthandgrace.com/muslimslavery.htm
By Dr. Chika A. Onyeani
Editor-In-Chief of the African Sun Times
"There is something sad about our people in this country - blacks. We have this syndrome that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or that the enemy of my friend is my enemy, or that the friend of my friend is also my friend. This is idiotic thinking, which has landed us into too many unnecessary positions. Let's take the case of the situation in the Darfur region of the Sudan. Speak to many blacks, more than 75% don't know, or even if they knew, don't understand what is going on there. The other 25% who understand have limited knowledge about the geopolitics of Africa and look at it from the prism of the American government's policies vis-a-vis African-Americns in this country. Most of the informed blacks view U.S. intentions in Africa with suspicion. Of course, who wouldn't, knowing what America has done in Iraq. Let's face it, I wouldn't advocate U.S. troops in Africa, but how do we stop the carnage in the Darfur region where more than 200,000 lives have been lost, and countless number expelled from their homes by the Sudan-government supported rebel group, the janjaweed. Over two million have been routed from homes and are mostly in refugee camps. 'Oh, why should the U.S. government be going to the Darfur when it did nothing when Katrina hit New Orleans.' Therefore, if America wants to intervene humanitarianlly, it must either have bad intentions or just want to get its hand on the rich resources of the country. Sudan, it so happens, possesses oil, and it must be because of George Bush's insatiable hunger for oil, that is driving this so-called humanitarian attention on the Sudan. No, America government didn't do much for us in New Orleans, they must have ulterior motives in going to Sudan.
"It is this type of thinking that makes me angry. Now, the so-called elite don't realise that Sudan has mortaged its oil to the Chinese. China has blocked any attempt to imposing sanctions on the Sudanese government. They don't only supply Sudan with its military needs, which they use in killing black Africans, they also have used their veto vote at the United Nations to block U.N. action in the country. But our people would rather give a pass to China - the friend of my friend is my friend. B.S.
"Again, I don't understand why African-Americans are always giving a pass to the Arabs. The Arabs have done nothing but oppress black people throughout history. They invaded north Africa in the 10th century and are still there. They started the slave trade, yet as we continue to demand reparation from the whites, we have never asked the Arabs for the millions of Africans they abducted into slavery. The sad part of this is that the Arabs are still enslaving black Africans - what is happening in the Darfur region is nothing but a continuation of the ethnic cleansing that the Arabs have designed to remove black Africans from that region of the world. We have this sympathise for the Arabs in Palestine, but they are just as bad as the Arabs in Africa who murder black Africans. We cheer Osama bin Laden because he has issued an intifada and invited his band of guerrilas to Sudan to support the Arab government. My question has always been, why should have any kind of sympathy at all for Osama bin Laden. The man ordered the destruction of American embassy buildings in Kenya and Tanzania, "to teach America a lesson." But bin Laden didn't want to teach the lesson in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and many more Arab states. It selected two African countries where more than 300 people died. This man is an enemy of black people, period.
"African-Americans must begin to evolve their own foreign policy initiatives, and understand that because the U.S. government necessarily treats them in a manner not to taste, doesn't mean that America shouldn't use its might to help their brothers and sisters in Africa. We must abhor imperialism in any form, but from my own vintage point, I see development dollars in everywhere America has landed. Look at Asia, and look at Africa and see the disparities. You know the kind of infrastructure America builds when they land in a place, not the kind of destruction they have caused in Iraq, that is the kind of development we need in Africa - infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure. You know what is good about infrastructure development, is that when you kick out the imperialists you get to keep the infrastructure, they don't up root and take them with them.
"We shouldn't be shouting imperialism all the time. The Black leaders in Africa are doing a lousy job. In 47 years, they are yet to help the masses see the benefits of independence.
"The problem in Darfur is that Arabs are ethnically cleansing the area to remove any vestiges of Black Africans in the area so that they could Arabise the area. Blacks should get that into their heads. And stop this stupid love area of the Arabs. That's what I say about Darfur: evolve Black American policies in Africa, which looks for the interest of the people there, and not tied to US policies in America. They are not interchangeable."
Go to http://www.africansuntimes.com/v2/lta/2006/05/blacks-need-to-rethink-darfur-and.php
Editor-In-Chief of the African Sun Times
"There is something sad about our people in this country - blacks. We have this syndrome that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or that the enemy of my friend is my enemy, or that the friend of my friend is also my friend. This is idiotic thinking, which has landed us into too many unnecessary positions. Let's take the case of the situation in the Darfur region of the Sudan. Speak to many blacks, more than 75% don't know, or even if they knew, don't understand what is going on there. The other 25% who understand have limited knowledge about the geopolitics of Africa and look at it from the prism of the American government's policies vis-a-vis African-Americns in this country. Most of the informed blacks view U.S. intentions in Africa with suspicion. Of course, who wouldn't, knowing what America has done in Iraq. Let's face it, I wouldn't advocate U.S. troops in Africa, but how do we stop the carnage in the Darfur region where more than 200,000 lives have been lost, and countless number expelled from their homes by the Sudan-government supported rebel group, the janjaweed. Over two million have been routed from homes and are mostly in refugee camps. 'Oh, why should the U.S. government be going to the Darfur when it did nothing when Katrina hit New Orleans.' Therefore, if America wants to intervene humanitarianlly, it must either have bad intentions or just want to get its hand on the rich resources of the country. Sudan, it so happens, possesses oil, and it must be because of George Bush's insatiable hunger for oil, that is driving this so-called humanitarian attention on the Sudan. No, America government didn't do much for us in New Orleans, they must have ulterior motives in going to Sudan.
"It is this type of thinking that makes me angry. Now, the so-called elite don't realise that Sudan has mortaged its oil to the Chinese. China has blocked any attempt to imposing sanctions on the Sudanese government. They don't only supply Sudan with its military needs, which they use in killing black Africans, they also have used their veto vote at the United Nations to block U.N. action in the country. But our people would rather give a pass to China - the friend of my friend is my friend. B.S.
"Again, I don't understand why African-Americans are always giving a pass to the Arabs. The Arabs have done nothing but oppress black people throughout history. They invaded north Africa in the 10th century and are still there. They started the slave trade, yet as we continue to demand reparation from the whites, we have never asked the Arabs for the millions of Africans they abducted into slavery. The sad part of this is that the Arabs are still enslaving black Africans - what is happening in the Darfur region is nothing but a continuation of the ethnic cleansing that the Arabs have designed to remove black Africans from that region of the world. We have this sympathise for the Arabs in Palestine, but they are just as bad as the Arabs in Africa who murder black Africans. We cheer Osama bin Laden because he has issued an intifada and invited his band of guerrilas to Sudan to support the Arab government. My question has always been, why should have any kind of sympathy at all for Osama bin Laden. The man ordered the destruction of American embassy buildings in Kenya and Tanzania, "to teach America a lesson." But bin Laden didn't want to teach the lesson in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and many more Arab states. It selected two African countries where more than 300 people died. This man is an enemy of black people, period.
"African-Americans must begin to evolve their own foreign policy initiatives, and understand that because the U.S. government necessarily treats them in a manner not to taste, doesn't mean that America shouldn't use its might to help their brothers and sisters in Africa. We must abhor imperialism in any form, but from my own vintage point, I see development dollars in everywhere America has landed. Look at Asia, and look at Africa and see the disparities. You know the kind of infrastructure America builds when they land in a place, not the kind of destruction they have caused in Iraq, that is the kind of development we need in Africa - infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure. You know what is good about infrastructure development, is that when you kick out the imperialists you get to keep the infrastructure, they don't up root and take them with them.
"We shouldn't be shouting imperialism all the time. The Black leaders in Africa are doing a lousy job. In 47 years, they are yet to help the masses see the benefits of independence.
"The problem in Darfur is that Arabs are ethnically cleansing the area to remove any vestiges of Black Africans in the area so that they could Arabise the area. Blacks should get that into their heads. And stop this stupid love area of the Arabs. That's what I say about Darfur: evolve Black American policies in Africa, which looks for the interest of the people there, and not tied to US policies in America. They are not interchangeable."
Go to http://www.africansuntimes.com/v2/lta/2006/05/blacks-need-to-rethink-darfur-and.php
The silent screams of the modern slave trade movement (Part I: Where is black America?)
"What has infuriated me about this whole issue is how most black politicians and political organizations have opted to completely ignore this whole issue while at the same time continue to persuade millions of black Americans that the petty racism that we may experience today is of a much greater importance...."
"...And the American Anti-Slavery Group noted: 'Black leaders are AWOL–or worse. The NAACP resolved to ‘come to the front of this battle’–but has not. The Congressional Black Caucus encouraged us–then went mute. Jesse Jackson’s office told us he wouldn’t touch the issue because it sounded ‘anti-Arab’ (We have three Muslims on our board).'”
"For the record, I have been very hard-pressed to find any firm position by black politicians/political organizations. Any position that I have found came after much pressure from front line individuals/organizations in war against modern slavery. Also, please note that there are some prominent black Americans that are giving voice to this issue (Danny Glover is one of them)...."
Go to http://blackinformant.com/index.php?p=415
"...And the American Anti-Slavery Group noted: 'Black leaders are AWOL–or worse. The NAACP resolved to ‘come to the front of this battle’–but has not. The Congressional Black Caucus encouraged us–then went mute. Jesse Jackson’s office told us he wouldn’t touch the issue because it sounded ‘anti-Arab’ (We have three Muslims on our board).'”
"For the record, I have been very hard-pressed to find any firm position by black politicians/political organizations. Any position that I have found came after much pressure from front line individuals/organizations in war against modern slavery. Also, please note that there are some prominent black Americans that are giving voice to this issue (Danny Glover is one of them)...."
Go to http://blackinformant.com/index.php?p=415
From a Former Black Nationalist
"I am a black man, a former nationalist. I became disillusioned with 'black unity and nationalism' during the massacre in Rwanda and Zaire during the mid 1990s. It seemed to me, a student at a historically black college at the time, that black progressives did not lift a finger to protest or press our government or the UN to act to prevent the slaughter amongst black Africans the same way they did apartheid, Haiti, or even the plight of the Palestinians. Why not? Well for one, because there was no white victimizer oppressing people of color, both parties were of the same race. But the main reason was that our black American leadership did not want our intervention in Africa to cost Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party politically. Getting Bill Clinton and some other white Democrat governors, congressmen, and senators re - elected to preserve our puny little integrationist affirmative action and welfare programs was worth more to us than the lives of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of our African brothers and sisters. Even yet today obtaining real debt relief and nationbuilding for blacks in Africa and Latin America takes a backseat on our agenda to protecting a black police chief in L.A. Irish rocker Bono has gotten more done with George W. Bush and Jesse Helms on that issue in three months than our leadership has dealing with THEIR OWN PARTY in 30 years, because it really isn't much of a priority! So much for our common bond and unity with all members of the diaspora.
"And as for African unity, we still cannot ignore the interminable tribal and religious warfare that wracks the continent. We would like to blame slavery and colonialism, but the truth is that colonialism stopped that warfare and imposed order and the rule of law, even if racist brutal crushing racism and oppression was the heavy price. Also, as soon as the Spanish, British, Dutch, and French left the continent they plunged back into warfare. Plus the warfare predated slavery anyway. As a matter of fact, that is how we got here! The losers of religious and tribal warfare were taken as slaves and frequently sold back and forth amongst the Africans themselves. The Europeans were just another set of customers. Wherever there is religious extremism and tribalism there will be constant warfare as well as slavery. Those things pervaded Africa before Europeans sacked the continent, and have continued after the Europeans have more or less left, such as slavery in chocolate fields and Muslim slavery of Christians in Sudan and other states.
"Before there can be unity between American blacks and Africans, we black Americans have to start caring more about economic and social turmoil in Africa than we do Halle Berry getting an Oscar. Calling ourselves African Americans (which I honestly believe we have no right to), jumping over brooms at weddings, wearing kente cloth (often made in Korea or China), buying African art (ditto), and lighting candles during Kwanzaa (a black American holiday invented by black Americans for black Americans that has nothing to do with Africa) has nothing to do with addressing the real problems in that continent. Why don't black professionals, who claim that they cannot start or operate businesses or receive fair pay and promotions at European countries, use their talents to help Africa? What is keeping black politicians, who cannot gain any real power to do any good in America, from implementing their liberal reforms in Ghana, Nigeria, or Chad? Rather than doing that, we stay in America and invoke our alleged Africanness merely to spite Europeans. Heck, we blacks didn't even start calling ourselves African Americans en masse until it became the vogue thing to do to stick it to the man and show solidarity with Nelson Mandela during Reagan era.
"And of course, before there can be unity among Africans, the religious extremism, tribal cultures, and subjugation of women and children have to go. They must accept and adopt modern democratic societies, including economies (if Marxism failed in the Soviet Union, Latin America, and Asia, what makes you think it will work in Africa)? There are no real attempts at unity between blacks and Africans or even Africans and Africans despite all these conferences, nongovernmental organizations, official declarations, etc. It is past time that we stop living a lie and provide real help for Africa (even if it means giving up some of our own agenda in America), and also demand that Africa provide real help for itself, as in stop slaughtering and oppressing each other over tribal differences.
Gerald Ball
"And as for African unity, we still cannot ignore the interminable tribal and religious warfare that wracks the continent. We would like to blame slavery and colonialism, but the truth is that colonialism stopped that warfare and imposed order and the rule of law, even if racist brutal crushing racism and oppression was the heavy price. Also, as soon as the Spanish, British, Dutch, and French left the continent they plunged back into warfare. Plus the warfare predated slavery anyway. As a matter of fact, that is how we got here! The losers of religious and tribal warfare were taken as slaves and frequently sold back and forth amongst the Africans themselves. The Europeans were just another set of customers. Wherever there is religious extremism and tribalism there will be constant warfare as well as slavery. Those things pervaded Africa before Europeans sacked the continent, and have continued after the Europeans have more or less left, such as slavery in chocolate fields and Muslim slavery of Christians in Sudan and other states.
"Before there can be unity between American blacks and Africans, we black Americans have to start caring more about economic and social turmoil in Africa than we do Halle Berry getting an Oscar. Calling ourselves African Americans (which I honestly believe we have no right to), jumping over brooms at weddings, wearing kente cloth (often made in Korea or China), buying African art (ditto), and lighting candles during Kwanzaa (a black American holiday invented by black Americans for black Americans that has nothing to do with Africa) has nothing to do with addressing the real problems in that continent. Why don't black professionals, who claim that they cannot start or operate businesses or receive fair pay and promotions at European countries, use their talents to help Africa? What is keeping black politicians, who cannot gain any real power to do any good in America, from implementing their liberal reforms in Ghana, Nigeria, or Chad? Rather than doing that, we stay in America and invoke our alleged Africanness merely to spite Europeans. Heck, we blacks didn't even start calling ourselves African Americans en masse until it became the vogue thing to do to stick it to the man and show solidarity with Nelson Mandela during Reagan era.
"And of course, before there can be unity among Africans, the religious extremism, tribal cultures, and subjugation of women and children have to go. They must accept and adopt modern democratic societies, including economies (if Marxism failed in the Soviet Union, Latin America, and Asia, what makes you think it will work in Africa)? There are no real attempts at unity between blacks and Africans or even Africans and Africans despite all these conferences, nongovernmental organizations, official declarations, etc. It is past time that we stop living a lie and provide real help for Africa (even if it means giving up some of our own agenda in America), and also demand that Africa provide real help for itself, as in stop slaughtering and oppressing each other over tribal differences.
Gerald Ball
Criticism of a Hero Devides Blacks
"But the decision to condemn Mr. Mugabe publicly — which was hailed as long overdue in some quarters — has also touched off an outcry among some black intellectuals, activists and Africa watchers. Mr. Mugabe, who has led Zimbabwe since white rule ended in 1980, is still considered a hero by some African-Americans. And in some e-mail messages and on radio talk shows, the signers of the letter have been described as politically naïve, sellouts and misguided betrayers of Africa's liberation struggle.
"Angry critics have sent e-mail messages to those who signed the letter, saying in one instance that they "do not represent African-Americans." On a left-leaning radio station in New York City, WBAI-FM, several people have called to complain. "Whatever black Africans in Zimbabwe decide to do," said a caller who identified herself as Missy from Queens, "I think black Africans here, we should join them."
"The furor has highlighted a long-simmering debate about how to respond to authoritarian leaders in Africa when those leaders happen to be black.
"Bill Fletcher Jr., the president of TransAfrica, says black Americans cannot afford to romanticize African leaders if they hope to remain relevant to the struggles on the continent. They must be willing to condemn wrongdoing, he said, even if that means criticizing some revered leaders.
"'When the enemy was evil white people in South Africa, that was easy," Mr. Fletcher said in an interview at his office here. "But when the enemy becomes someone who looks like us, we're very skittish about taking that on."
"'It's very difficult to accept that a ruling class has emerged in Zimbabwe that is oppressing its own people, but you've got to face the reality," he said. "I felt like we had to speak out....'
(Do we feel that Black have the right to oppress other Blacks but Whites do not have that right? - Ed.)
"...We should not be standing shoulder to shoulder with African governments who are abusing their own people. The time had arrived for us to take a public stance."
Go to http://www.wehaitians.com/criticism%20of%20hero%20devides%20blacks.html
"Angry critics have sent e-mail messages to those who signed the letter, saying in one instance that they "do not represent African-Americans." On a left-leaning radio station in New York City, WBAI-FM, several people have called to complain. "Whatever black Africans in Zimbabwe decide to do," said a caller who identified herself as Missy from Queens, "I think black Africans here, we should join them."
"The furor has highlighted a long-simmering debate about how to respond to authoritarian leaders in Africa when those leaders happen to be black.
"Bill Fletcher Jr., the president of TransAfrica, says black Americans cannot afford to romanticize African leaders if they hope to remain relevant to the struggles on the continent. They must be willing to condemn wrongdoing, he said, even if that means criticizing some revered leaders.
"'When the enemy was evil white people in South Africa, that was easy," Mr. Fletcher said in an interview at his office here. "But when the enemy becomes someone who looks like us, we're very skittish about taking that on."
"'It's very difficult to accept that a ruling class has emerged in Zimbabwe that is oppressing its own people, but you've got to face the reality," he said. "I felt like we had to speak out....'
(Do we feel that Black have the right to oppress other Blacks but Whites do not have that right? - Ed.)
"...We should not be standing shoulder to shoulder with African governments who are abusing their own people. The time had arrived for us to take a public stance."
Go to http://www.wehaitians.com/criticism%20of%20hero%20devides%20blacks.html
This article appeared in the New York Weekly The City Sun March 22, 1995
by Samuel Cotton
"On March 4, (1995) Black Africans journeyed from all over the United States to meet at Columbia University. Mauritanians and Senegalese from Washington--Ugandans and Sudanese from as far away as Ohio, would spend two days discussing the beast that continues to bite deep into African flesh—slavery.
"They would also grapple with the enigma of receiving virtually no support on the issue of chattel slavery from African-American spiritual and political leaders. Many of the Africans are Christians who have been murderously persecuted by the expansionist Islamic Fundamentalist Governments of Mauritania and Sudan. The problem-- they will not submit to a process of Islamization which demands that they renounce their Christian faith. Yet, these Africans are refused an audience with Black Christian ministers, who prefer in some cases to wine and dine with their Arab enslavers. Others, are Black Muslims from Mauritania who are dumbfounded and disgusted by the fact that the prominent Black Muslim Leader, Louis Farrakan continues to visit and have good relations with Sudan which enslaves Black Muslims and Christians alike. They are disillusioned by Black leaders with African names, who live in houses filled with African statues, and walk the streets in full African regalia but will not raise one voice against slavery."
"One African stated that 'African Americans have been at the forefront of the international campaign against apartheid. . . Yet as an African working in the field of human rights in Africa, I am constantly struck, and saddened, by the extent to which a combination of factors have discouraged the majority of Black Americans from speaking out about human rights abuses in sub-Saharan Africa.' Said Rakiya Omaar, a Somali, in the Washington Post. 'Each year, hundreds of Black Americans visit the famous island of Goree in Senegal, from which many of their ancestors began the painful voyage to enslavement. Yet, just a short distance north of Goree are villages and refugee camps providing sanctuary to thousands of blacks who ran away to escape slavery in Mauritania, some of them as recently as three months ago.'"
"Why don't African Americans speak out about chattel slavery in the sub-Sahara? Why does Jesse Jackson's office refuse to give a statement? The AASG has repeatedly, over the past months, mailed documentation and faxed material to the office of Jessie Jackson. Follow-ups with Jackson's aide Lisa Gibson did not yield a response. The author faxed documentation on March 9, 1995, to the Rainbow Coalition at the request of aide Jeff Griffith. The fax was received, and Griffith said that "Jessie Jackson is busy with affirmative action, and like anybody else, Jessie gets tied up and can only speak on one issue at a time. Right now, slavery is not on his agenda." However, I was told to call the following day for a statement. Sadly, Jeff Griffith met an untimely death and all the material was allegedly lost. His superior, Stephanie Gadlin, requested that I fax the material again and and call later for a statement. Ms. Gadlin felt that the slavery issue would be good for Reverend Jackson to have on his agenda, since he is scheduled to go to the Middle-East. No statement was issued.
"Two years ago, on July 15, 1993, White Congressman Frank Wolf wrote a letter to Benjamin Chavis who was serving as the Executive Director of the NAACP. "Most recently, I received a copy of a very disturbing State Department cable containing reliable information that in Sudan, human rights abuses such as kidnapping, slavery and the export of women and children from southern and central Sudan are escalating dramatically, despite the denials and rhetoric from Sudanese government officials. . .I hope that you will speak out against the continuing cruelty which has caused the people of Sudan so much pain and suffering. The efforts of the NAACP could be the difference between life and death for millions of people."
Benjamin Chavis did not repond, and Rep.White wrote again to Chavis on August 19, 1993. Since I last wrote to you, thousands more in southern Sudan have died. Please let me know if the NAACP is willing to step forward. Please let me know if you will personally become involved. This is not an easy task, but the combined efforts of many Americans -- could result in saving the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people" There would be no response to this letter or a similar plea sent to Randall Robinson, Executive Director of TransAfrica, on August 19, 1993.
"The weight of the evidence indicates that Whites are really the only ones working to stop the slave trade, and that Black leaders have no real interest in stopping the buying and selling of Black Africans. This slave trade is common knowledge in Congressional circles and shamefully, Black leaders have not educated the African-American public on an issue central to their history. Are Black Americans playing at being Africans and in reality have no real love or attachment to Africa and African people? Could it be that African-Americans are in love with a fantasy Africa and do not possess any real understanding of African realities and world views? These questions require critical thinking that will move African-Americans past the kente cloth and fashion, to examine if there is a relationship between them and the African. The presence in the United States of the Mauritanians and the Sudanese refugees can be a spring board for the exploration of African realities.
The African and the Arab
"For African-Americans to address the contemporary slave trade and offer support, they must first resolve the philosophical question of form versus content. The outward display of Africanisms, i.e., dress, language, and rhetoric versus the possession of a feeling of solidarity with Africans and an African view of the world.
"Both Africans and African Americans acknowledge a common place of origin, and both have served as human fodder for the Arab slave trade. However, the Black American appears to have forgiven the Arabs for their participation in the slave trade, while they continue to hold the feet of White Americans and Jews to the fire for their participation. Black spiritual and political leaders travel to Islamic Fundamentalist countries where they have ties and friendships, and sources report that Arab money funds a number of Black politicians.
In view of the above, when the Mauritanians and Sudanese request help from the African-American, will there be enough content in the Black community to offer support? Or will Black Americans have to effect a major paradigm shift to give such aid. The answer lies in an examination of the African's world view of the Arab and the problems that view poses for the African-American.
An African Perspective
"'The African never wanted anything to do with the Arab, because he is a slave trader and we have never forgiven him for the slave trade,' said Benedict Lagu, the soft spoken and friendly son of the former Vice President of the Republic of Sudan (1978 to 1980). 'The Arab will always try to enslave people because it is in his culture to enslave people. The Arab is an expansionist, he will never be satisfied with just the North of Sudan. In reality, he will not be satisfied until the whole world worships Islam.
"'This is the view of the whole Arab world, they are all fighting against the Southern Sudan (as of 1995 - Ed.), they are all pouring money into Sudan. Iran, Syria, Libya and Egypt-- all of the Arab countries are of one mind. They all support Sudan, so that it can crush the South. They want to enslave the entire south and use its resources. Through the South of Sudan they can move into all of Africa. It is the gateway.' Simon Deng, the Minister of Information for the Southern Sudanese Community in America added, 'To the Arab, the African is born to be his slave. It does not matter that some have the same skin color as you, color is not the issue here, they consider themselves Arabs. The issue is the mind and the belief of the people and this is a problem that involves two things--race and religion.'
"'They consider all the Southern Sudanese as slaves. When they look at you they say ''Abit'' which means slave, because if you are non-Muslim and Black you are fit to be a slave.' Deng shifts and leans back in his chair. He seems to be looking at me from some distant place and gathering himself. 'Arabs are not considered part of Africa,' states Deng. 'Egypt is not Africa because it is the mother of the Arabs.' Deng's perspectives, the enmity that exists between the Arab and the Black African, and the belief systems that say Black Africans are inferior and born to serve the Arab are supported by the historical narrative.
"Historically, we know that the Arabs, English, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, Africans, Catholics and Jews at one time or another participated in the slave trade. Even the American Indian participated in the slave trade. 'All of the five civilized Indian nations were Black slave owners and slave traders' says Claude Anderson the author of Black Labor,White Wealth. 'Worse, all of these Indian Nations supported and fought on the side of the South in the Civil War in fear of losing their Black slaves.'
"These are historical realities that are part of the African past and cannot be changed. However, the saga of the Arab slave trader and his relationship with the Black African transcends time. The Arab Moslems were '[O]ne of the first and oldest religious enslavers of Black Africans' says Anderson. 'They began regular military invasions into East and West Africa around 700 A.D. By 1000 A.D., Moslems routinely combined their commercial trade with spreading the Islamic faith in Black African communities. Medieval Moslems considered Black Africans to be primitive and especially suited for enslavement.'
"'Moslems from the Middle East have enslaved and sold into North African slave markets no less than one million Black Africans every 100 years, for the past 1,000 years' states David Brian Davis, in Slavery And Human Progress. This practice represents no less than 10 million Blacks enslaved and exploited by one group alone. Ironically, most Black African countries converted to the Islamic faith during the 14th century. The Arabs' continuous enslavement of Blacks, therefore, must be driven by factors other than Blacks' religious faith.' What are these factors? Well, as in the case of the present day Mauritanians and the Sudanese, enslavement is not for the advancement of the Islam. This we know because the Law of Islam says that slaves taken in a holy war are to be released after conversion. However, this does not occur in Mauritania or the Sudan, because after the slaves convert, the Black Muslims remain enslaved. Ergo, the enslavement of Black Africans is the manifestation of an ancient racial belief system. The belief that the Black African is born to be the slave of the Arab.
"'Since color was [and is] the decisive factor in slavery, it was important to know who was and was not a member of the Black race. Moors were not classified as members of the Black race. In northwest Africa, the offspring of Blacks, White Berbers and Arabs became known as
Moors. . . .
"Few identified with West African Blacks, who lived south of the Sahara, states Anderson. 'However, the few Moors who were Black, with the aid of some Islamic converts, pushed the doors to West Africa's natural and human capital wide open.'
"To satisfy their rapacious appetites, Arab expansionists adopted specific strategies. With the Black Moors and Islamic converts, the Arabs began their penetration of Africa. Often they exerted religious pressure and continually fostered holy wars that weakened the great West African empires' posits Claude Anderson. 'Arabs labeled Black Africans pagans, then pressured them to disavow their own West African culture and practice of ancestor worship and to accept instead, Arabic culture based in the Islamic religion. This cultural and religious conversion undermined Black's African heritage and broad sense of a Black community. Moreover, the religious conversion to the Islamic faith gave Arabs nearly unrestricted access to West African societies and wealth.' This Arab approach to Africa and Black Africans continues down to this day and it is against this paradigm that the Mauritanians and the Sudanese struggle.
The Arab and the African American
"Benedict Lagu's statement that the African never wanted anything to do with the Arab requires further explanation. There were Africans who wanted relationships with the Arabs. They were the Black leaders--the African tribal chiefs. 'West African tribal chiefs had a long history of exchanging slaves with Arab traders. Eventually, they expanded the practice to European traders,' explains Anderson. '. . .The Arab and European traders became convinced that, if tribal chiefs could procure slaves, the trade would be profitable and they had no reason to expect reprisal from any Black nations. A massive slave trading operation developed, and according to an article in the The Washington Post, the Arabs were still engaged in the slave trading of Blacks in 1993.'
"Working from the centuries old paradigm that Blacks are primitive buffoons who will sell their people for a few trinkets while they extract the real gold from the situation; Arab expansionists manipulate the leaders in the African-American community with great faculty.
"A case in point: A Sudanese scholar, Dr. Augustine A. Lado, is an Assistant Professor, in the Department of Management and Labor Relations at Cleveland State University. Lado is also the President of Pax Sudani, an organization of African Sudanese and Human rights activists committed to exposing and campaigning against slavery and other gruesome atrocities perpetrated against Africans in modern-day Sudan. In Africa, Professor Lado routinely risked his life by resisting Arabization, and Islamization.
"Professor Lado began to seek the help of Christian churches in Cleveland. 'I contacted the Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Cleveland and requested to speak there on a Wednesday night to explain to them what Christians are experiencing in the Sudan. When we arrived, they were not ready for us. The church officials were absent, and we were given the cold shoulder--we eventually left,' explained Lado. 'Then shortly after that, it came to my attention, that a Reverend Sterling Glover, Pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church and Chairman of the Cleveland Cuyahoga County Port Authority had invited a Sudanese Delegation. It was headed by Dr. Ali Al-Hajj (Minister of the Bureau of Federal Government) and Minister Mirghani Mohamed Salih (Deputy Chief of Mission) of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington.
The meeting was to establish a trade alliance with the Cleveland business community and the African-American business community. My organization threatened to picket the luncheon, and to avoid this, Reverend Glover invited us to speak at the luncheon. Three members of Pax Sudani were picked to speak, but when the group arrived they were denied access.' Again, there would be no connection between the African Christians and the African-American Christian ministers. However the relationship between Dr. Ali Al-Hajj and Reverend Glover was solid and intact.
"The Plain Dealer, Cleveland's largest newspaper, on Thursday, December 15, 1994, commented on the Black Christian Minister's relationship with Sudan. 'The Greater Cleveland International Trade Alliance is hosting a lunch at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel today. . .Those who were planning to go to the meeting should consider a few well-known facts about the country they are courting,' stated the Editorial. "Sudan's ruling regime came into power in 1989 after overthrowing the democratically elected government. It has sought to impose strict Islamic law on all Sudanese, regardless of their religion. . .The Sudanese government has targeted not only Christians and Animists, but other Muslims who do not adhere to its strict edicts. . .Human-rights organizations have reported government involvement in massacres, kidnappings and in transporting and selling its captives, including children, into slavery.'
"Reverend Glover responded in the article by saying that . . .'he knew all about the accusations against Sudan before his first trip there. He maintains none of the atrocity charges against the government has ever been proven (Say what? - Ed.). A cease-fire has ended the warfare and elections have occurred. I know that my efforts are legitimate and right,' reports the Plains Dealer.
"Reverend Glover's responses are the same excuses that many African-American leaders give for ignoring the Black African slave and jumping into bed with the Arab slavers. When Black leaders betray the cause of the Mauritanians and the Sudanese by preferring dubious trade benefits and funding from the Islamic Fundamentalists, they appear foolish and naive.
"A journalist watching these events stated 'It seems as if Glover hasn't been keeping up. Almost as quickly as the warring sides agreed to a cease-fire, they broke it. If elections were held, it's hard to believe that a regime that has toiled so hard to suppress its opponents would suddenly embrace free and fair elections. Rather, Sudan has embarked on an extensive campaign to polish its image in the United States. Evidently, it's working in some quarters. Even if you can ignore the fighting, the slaughters, the abuses against children, the condemnation by the pope and a slew of world organizations, it's hard to understand the benefits of a trade relationship with Sudan.' (The Plain Dealer)
"Glover has been to the Sudan three times. Two paid trips by the Sudanese Government and one trip paid for by city tax dollars. Dr. Lado accessed the public records showing the expenses for the third trip. Glover stayed in the air-conditioned Hilton during his trip and the Sudanese Government convinced him that there is no slave trade.
"The results of playing the statesman are tragic. Reverend Glover returned to the United States, discredited the Sudanese human-rights activists in Cleveland by stating there are no atrocities or slavery. This resulted in further alienation of the Africans from the Black Christian community. Again, the Sudanese Islamic Fundamentalists had squelched an anti-slavery movement in Cleveland, and were free to continue raping, pillaging, and enslaving Black Africans without protests from Black America.
"This tactic is common knowledge among middle-eastern minorities suffering pressure from Islamic Fundamentalists. 'The Leadership committee For A Free Middle East, a coalition of non-Arab, non-Muslim captive nationalities in the Middle East and North Africa, is well aware of the situation in both Mauritania and the Sudan.
"Particularly in the Sudan, there has been a concerted effort to suppress the facts concerning the existence of chattel slavery. It is the most embarrassing, dark little secret in the Arab world. It's exposure in the West, particularly to the African-American community, would have a devastating impact on the oil-financed Arabist agenda' says Najib Khuri, a Lebanese Christian and New York Area Director. 'A major part of that agenda is to enlist, through deception and manipulation, African-American support in its efforts to both Arabize and Islamize Africa and the entire Middle East.' As the Cleveland Plains Dealer put it, it appears to be working in some quarters. Black leaders appear to be giving that support by their silence and ineptitude.
"Before the Black religious and secular community discredits the Mauritanians and the Sudanese they should consider a couple of important points. Black leaders are not trained to find slavery in countries with deceitful governments. In addition, Black ministers, even if they were sincere, do not understand how modern chattel slavery operates in countries with demographics like Mauritania and Sudan--the largest country in Africa. Leaders like Reverend Glover, are over their heads in this game and are betraying hundreds of thousands of Africans languishing in slavery.'
by Samuel Cotton
"On March 4, (1995) Black Africans journeyed from all over the United States to meet at Columbia University. Mauritanians and Senegalese from Washington--Ugandans and Sudanese from as far away as Ohio, would spend two days discussing the beast that continues to bite deep into African flesh—slavery.
"They would also grapple with the enigma of receiving virtually no support on the issue of chattel slavery from African-American spiritual and political leaders. Many of the Africans are Christians who have been murderously persecuted by the expansionist Islamic Fundamentalist Governments of Mauritania and Sudan. The problem-- they will not submit to a process of Islamization which demands that they renounce their Christian faith. Yet, these Africans are refused an audience with Black Christian ministers, who prefer in some cases to wine and dine with their Arab enslavers. Others, are Black Muslims from Mauritania who are dumbfounded and disgusted by the fact that the prominent Black Muslim Leader, Louis Farrakan continues to visit and have good relations with Sudan which enslaves Black Muslims and Christians alike. They are disillusioned by Black leaders with African names, who live in houses filled with African statues, and walk the streets in full African regalia but will not raise one voice against slavery."
"One African stated that 'African Americans have been at the forefront of the international campaign against apartheid. . . Yet as an African working in the field of human rights in Africa, I am constantly struck, and saddened, by the extent to which a combination of factors have discouraged the majority of Black Americans from speaking out about human rights abuses in sub-Saharan Africa.' Said Rakiya Omaar, a Somali, in the Washington Post. 'Each year, hundreds of Black Americans visit the famous island of Goree in Senegal, from which many of their ancestors began the painful voyage to enslavement. Yet, just a short distance north of Goree are villages and refugee camps providing sanctuary to thousands of blacks who ran away to escape slavery in Mauritania, some of them as recently as three months ago.'"
"Why don't African Americans speak out about chattel slavery in the sub-Sahara? Why does Jesse Jackson's office refuse to give a statement? The AASG has repeatedly, over the past months, mailed documentation and faxed material to the office of Jessie Jackson. Follow-ups with Jackson's aide Lisa Gibson did not yield a response. The author faxed documentation on March 9, 1995, to the Rainbow Coalition at the request of aide Jeff Griffith. The fax was received, and Griffith said that "Jessie Jackson is busy with affirmative action, and like anybody else, Jessie gets tied up and can only speak on one issue at a time. Right now, slavery is not on his agenda." However, I was told to call the following day for a statement. Sadly, Jeff Griffith met an untimely death and all the material was allegedly lost. His superior, Stephanie Gadlin, requested that I fax the material again and and call later for a statement. Ms. Gadlin felt that the slavery issue would be good for Reverend Jackson to have on his agenda, since he is scheduled to go to the Middle-East. No statement was issued.
"Two years ago, on July 15, 1993, White Congressman Frank Wolf wrote a letter to Benjamin Chavis who was serving as the Executive Director of the NAACP. "Most recently, I received a copy of a very disturbing State Department cable containing reliable information that in Sudan, human rights abuses such as kidnapping, slavery and the export of women and children from southern and central Sudan are escalating dramatically, despite the denials and rhetoric from Sudanese government officials. . .I hope that you will speak out against the continuing cruelty which has caused the people of Sudan so much pain and suffering. The efforts of the NAACP could be the difference between life and death for millions of people."
Benjamin Chavis did not repond, and Rep.White wrote again to Chavis on August 19, 1993. Since I last wrote to you, thousands more in southern Sudan have died. Please let me know if the NAACP is willing to step forward. Please let me know if you will personally become involved. This is not an easy task, but the combined efforts of many Americans -- could result in saving the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people" There would be no response to this letter or a similar plea sent to Randall Robinson, Executive Director of TransAfrica, on August 19, 1993.
"The weight of the evidence indicates that Whites are really the only ones working to stop the slave trade, and that Black leaders have no real interest in stopping the buying and selling of Black Africans. This slave trade is common knowledge in Congressional circles and shamefully, Black leaders have not educated the African-American public on an issue central to their history. Are Black Americans playing at being Africans and in reality have no real love or attachment to Africa and African people? Could it be that African-Americans are in love with a fantasy Africa and do not possess any real understanding of African realities and world views? These questions require critical thinking that will move African-Americans past the kente cloth and fashion, to examine if there is a relationship between them and the African. The presence in the United States of the Mauritanians and the Sudanese refugees can be a spring board for the exploration of African realities.
The African and the Arab
"For African-Americans to address the contemporary slave trade and offer support, they must first resolve the philosophical question of form versus content. The outward display of Africanisms, i.e., dress, language, and rhetoric versus the possession of a feeling of solidarity with Africans and an African view of the world.
"Both Africans and African Americans acknowledge a common place of origin, and both have served as human fodder for the Arab slave trade. However, the Black American appears to have forgiven the Arabs for their participation in the slave trade, while they continue to hold the feet of White Americans and Jews to the fire for their participation. Black spiritual and political leaders travel to Islamic Fundamentalist countries where they have ties and friendships, and sources report that Arab money funds a number of Black politicians.
In view of the above, when the Mauritanians and Sudanese request help from the African-American, will there be enough content in the Black community to offer support? Or will Black Americans have to effect a major paradigm shift to give such aid. The answer lies in an examination of the African's world view of the Arab and the problems that view poses for the African-American.
An African Perspective
"'The African never wanted anything to do with the Arab, because he is a slave trader and we have never forgiven him for the slave trade,' said Benedict Lagu, the soft spoken and friendly son of the former Vice President of the Republic of Sudan (1978 to 1980). 'The Arab will always try to enslave people because it is in his culture to enslave people. The Arab is an expansionist, he will never be satisfied with just the North of Sudan. In reality, he will not be satisfied until the whole world worships Islam.
"'This is the view of the whole Arab world, they are all fighting against the Southern Sudan (as of 1995 - Ed.), they are all pouring money into Sudan. Iran, Syria, Libya and Egypt-- all of the Arab countries are of one mind. They all support Sudan, so that it can crush the South. They want to enslave the entire south and use its resources. Through the South of Sudan they can move into all of Africa. It is the gateway.' Simon Deng, the Minister of Information for the Southern Sudanese Community in America added, 'To the Arab, the African is born to be his slave. It does not matter that some have the same skin color as you, color is not the issue here, they consider themselves Arabs. The issue is the mind and the belief of the people and this is a problem that involves two things--race and religion.'
"'They consider all the Southern Sudanese as slaves. When they look at you they say ''Abit'' which means slave, because if you are non-Muslim and Black you are fit to be a slave.' Deng shifts and leans back in his chair. He seems to be looking at me from some distant place and gathering himself. 'Arabs are not considered part of Africa,' states Deng. 'Egypt is not Africa because it is the mother of the Arabs.' Deng's perspectives, the enmity that exists between the Arab and the Black African, and the belief systems that say Black Africans are inferior and born to serve the Arab are supported by the historical narrative.
"Historically, we know that the Arabs, English, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, Africans, Catholics and Jews at one time or another participated in the slave trade. Even the American Indian participated in the slave trade. 'All of the five civilized Indian nations were Black slave owners and slave traders' says Claude Anderson the author of Black Labor,White Wealth. 'Worse, all of these Indian Nations supported and fought on the side of the South in the Civil War in fear of losing their Black slaves.'
"These are historical realities that are part of the African past and cannot be changed. However, the saga of the Arab slave trader and his relationship with the Black African transcends time. The Arab Moslems were '[O]ne of the first and oldest religious enslavers of Black Africans' says Anderson. 'They began regular military invasions into East and West Africa around 700 A.D. By 1000 A.D., Moslems routinely combined their commercial trade with spreading the Islamic faith in Black African communities. Medieval Moslems considered Black Africans to be primitive and especially suited for enslavement.'
"'Moslems from the Middle East have enslaved and sold into North African slave markets no less than one million Black Africans every 100 years, for the past 1,000 years' states David Brian Davis, in Slavery And Human Progress. This practice represents no less than 10 million Blacks enslaved and exploited by one group alone. Ironically, most Black African countries converted to the Islamic faith during the 14th century. The Arabs' continuous enslavement of Blacks, therefore, must be driven by factors other than Blacks' religious faith.' What are these factors? Well, as in the case of the present day Mauritanians and the Sudanese, enslavement is not for the advancement of the Islam. This we know because the Law of Islam says that slaves taken in a holy war are to be released after conversion. However, this does not occur in Mauritania or the Sudan, because after the slaves convert, the Black Muslims remain enslaved. Ergo, the enslavement of Black Africans is the manifestation of an ancient racial belief system. The belief that the Black African is born to be the slave of the Arab.
"'Since color was [and is] the decisive factor in slavery, it was important to know who was and was not a member of the Black race. Moors were not classified as members of the Black race. In northwest Africa, the offspring of Blacks, White Berbers and Arabs became known as
Moors. . . .
"Few identified with West African Blacks, who lived south of the Sahara, states Anderson. 'However, the few Moors who were Black, with the aid of some Islamic converts, pushed the doors to West Africa's natural and human capital wide open.'
"To satisfy their rapacious appetites, Arab expansionists adopted specific strategies. With the Black Moors and Islamic converts, the Arabs began their penetration of Africa. Often they exerted religious pressure and continually fostered holy wars that weakened the great West African empires' posits Claude Anderson. 'Arabs labeled Black Africans pagans, then pressured them to disavow their own West African culture and practice of ancestor worship and to accept instead, Arabic culture based in the Islamic religion. This cultural and religious conversion undermined Black's African heritage and broad sense of a Black community. Moreover, the religious conversion to the Islamic faith gave Arabs nearly unrestricted access to West African societies and wealth.' This Arab approach to Africa and Black Africans continues down to this day and it is against this paradigm that the Mauritanians and the Sudanese struggle.
The Arab and the African American
"Benedict Lagu's statement that the African never wanted anything to do with the Arab requires further explanation. There were Africans who wanted relationships with the Arabs. They were the Black leaders--the African tribal chiefs. 'West African tribal chiefs had a long history of exchanging slaves with Arab traders. Eventually, they expanded the practice to European traders,' explains Anderson. '. . .The Arab and European traders became convinced that, if tribal chiefs could procure slaves, the trade would be profitable and they had no reason to expect reprisal from any Black nations. A massive slave trading operation developed, and according to an article in the The Washington Post, the Arabs were still engaged in the slave trading of Blacks in 1993.'
"Working from the centuries old paradigm that Blacks are primitive buffoons who will sell their people for a few trinkets while they extract the real gold from the situation; Arab expansionists manipulate the leaders in the African-American community with great faculty.
"A case in point: A Sudanese scholar, Dr. Augustine A. Lado, is an Assistant Professor, in the Department of Management and Labor Relations at Cleveland State University. Lado is also the President of Pax Sudani, an organization of African Sudanese and Human rights activists committed to exposing and campaigning against slavery and other gruesome atrocities perpetrated against Africans in modern-day Sudan. In Africa, Professor Lado routinely risked his life by resisting Arabization, and Islamization.
"Professor Lado began to seek the help of Christian churches in Cleveland. 'I contacted the Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Cleveland and requested to speak there on a Wednesday night to explain to them what Christians are experiencing in the Sudan. When we arrived, they were not ready for us. The church officials were absent, and we were given the cold shoulder--we eventually left,' explained Lado. 'Then shortly after that, it came to my attention, that a Reverend Sterling Glover, Pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church and Chairman of the Cleveland Cuyahoga County Port Authority had invited a Sudanese Delegation. It was headed by Dr. Ali Al-Hajj (Minister of the Bureau of Federal Government) and Minister Mirghani Mohamed Salih (Deputy Chief of Mission) of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington.
The meeting was to establish a trade alliance with the Cleveland business community and the African-American business community. My organization threatened to picket the luncheon, and to avoid this, Reverend Glover invited us to speak at the luncheon. Three members of Pax Sudani were picked to speak, but when the group arrived they were denied access.' Again, there would be no connection between the African Christians and the African-American Christian ministers. However the relationship between Dr. Ali Al-Hajj and Reverend Glover was solid and intact.
"The Plain Dealer, Cleveland's largest newspaper, on Thursday, December 15, 1994, commented on the Black Christian Minister's relationship with Sudan. 'The Greater Cleveland International Trade Alliance is hosting a lunch at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel today. . .Those who were planning to go to the meeting should consider a few well-known facts about the country they are courting,' stated the Editorial. "Sudan's ruling regime came into power in 1989 after overthrowing the democratically elected government. It has sought to impose strict Islamic law on all Sudanese, regardless of their religion. . .The Sudanese government has targeted not only Christians and Animists, but other Muslims who do not adhere to its strict edicts. . .Human-rights organizations have reported government involvement in massacres, kidnappings and in transporting and selling its captives, including children, into slavery.'
"Reverend Glover responded in the article by saying that . . .'he knew all about the accusations against Sudan before his first trip there. He maintains none of the atrocity charges against the government has ever been proven (Say what? - Ed.). A cease-fire has ended the warfare and elections have occurred. I know that my efforts are legitimate and right,' reports the Plains Dealer.
"Reverend Glover's responses are the same excuses that many African-American leaders give for ignoring the Black African slave and jumping into bed with the Arab slavers. When Black leaders betray the cause of the Mauritanians and the Sudanese by preferring dubious trade benefits and funding from the Islamic Fundamentalists, they appear foolish and naive.
"A journalist watching these events stated 'It seems as if Glover hasn't been keeping up. Almost as quickly as the warring sides agreed to a cease-fire, they broke it. If elections were held, it's hard to believe that a regime that has toiled so hard to suppress its opponents would suddenly embrace free and fair elections. Rather, Sudan has embarked on an extensive campaign to polish its image in the United States. Evidently, it's working in some quarters. Even if you can ignore the fighting, the slaughters, the abuses against children, the condemnation by the pope and a slew of world organizations, it's hard to understand the benefits of a trade relationship with Sudan.' (The Plain Dealer)
"Glover has been to the Sudan three times. Two paid trips by the Sudanese Government and one trip paid for by city tax dollars. Dr. Lado accessed the public records showing the expenses for the third trip. Glover stayed in the air-conditioned Hilton during his trip and the Sudanese Government convinced him that there is no slave trade.
"The results of playing the statesman are tragic. Reverend Glover returned to the United States, discredited the Sudanese human-rights activists in Cleveland by stating there are no atrocities or slavery. This resulted in further alienation of the Africans from the Black Christian community. Again, the Sudanese Islamic Fundamentalists had squelched an anti-slavery movement in Cleveland, and were free to continue raping, pillaging, and enslaving Black Africans without protests from Black America.
"This tactic is common knowledge among middle-eastern minorities suffering pressure from Islamic Fundamentalists. 'The Leadership committee For A Free Middle East, a coalition of non-Arab, non-Muslim captive nationalities in the Middle East and North Africa, is well aware of the situation in both Mauritania and the Sudan.
"Particularly in the Sudan, there has been a concerted effort to suppress the facts concerning the existence of chattel slavery. It is the most embarrassing, dark little secret in the Arab world. It's exposure in the West, particularly to the African-American community, would have a devastating impact on the oil-financed Arabist agenda' says Najib Khuri, a Lebanese Christian and New York Area Director. 'A major part of that agenda is to enlist, through deception and manipulation, African-American support in its efforts to both Arabize and Islamize Africa and the entire Middle East.' As the Cleveland Plains Dealer put it, it appears to be working in some quarters. Black leaders appear to be giving that support by their silence and ineptitude.
"Before the Black religious and secular community discredits the Mauritanians and the Sudanese they should consider a couple of important points. Black leaders are not trained to find slavery in countries with deceitful governments. In addition, Black ministers, even if they were sincere, do not understand how modern chattel slavery operates in countries with demographics like Mauritania and Sudan--the largest country in Africa. Leaders like Reverend Glover, are over their heads in this game and are betraying hundreds of thousands of Africans languishing in slavery.'
African immigrants face bias from blacks
"For example, she said, in Nigeria alone, there are more than 250 ethnic groups. Africans don't come here with the same racial notion of 'black' identity that African Americans have formed, said Ms. Copeland-Carson."
How much love do we have for our people?
Go to http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06044/654613.stm
How much love do we have for our people?
Go to http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06044/654613.stm
A Brother from African Speaks...OUCH!!!!!!!
Jus...jus...just re...re...read it. Just read it....
Go to http://whgbetc.com/ifbm/africans-african-americans-relations.html
Go to http://whgbetc.com/ifbm/africans-african-americans-relations.html
McCain regrets use of term 'tar baby'
"CEDAR FALLS, Iowa - Republican presidential contender John McCain (news, bio, voting record) on Friday used the term "tar baby," considered by some a racial epithet, and later said he regretted it."
Go to http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070316/ap_on_el_pr/on_the2008_trail
Homework assignment:
Google the terms together "Robert Byrd" "white niggers" "Fox News" "Ku Klux Klan." Tell me if you saw a nationwide protest from Black leaders in some of the results.
Go to http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070316/ap_on_el_pr/on_the2008_trail
Homework assignment:
Google the terms together "Robert Byrd" "white niggers" "Fox News" "Ku Klux Klan." Tell me if you saw a nationwide protest from Black leaders in some of the results.
The Free Africa Foundation
Mission Statement:
To free Africans from intellectual bondage, empower them to take charge of their own destiny and devise African-based solutions to Africa's problems;
To advocate and seek establishment of which will help promote and safeguard the four cornerstones of freedom: intellectual freedom, political freedom, economic freedom and religious freedom;
To resist the imposition of alien ideologies and systems on Africa;
To provide an "African input" in international fora and the formulation of Western (aid) policies toward Africa
Go to http://freeafrica.org/index.html
To free Africans from intellectual bondage, empower them to take charge of their own destiny and devise African-based solutions to Africa's problems;
To advocate and seek establishment of which will help promote and safeguard the four cornerstones of freedom: intellectual freedom, political freedom, economic freedom and religious freedom;
To resist the imposition of alien ideologies and systems on Africa;
To provide an "African input" in international fora and the formulation of Western (aid) policies toward Africa
Go to http://freeafrica.org/index.html
Black Civilizations of Ancient America
"Recent discoveries in the field of linguistics and other methods have shown without a doubt, that the ancient Olmecs of Mexico, known as the Xi People, came originally from West Africa and were of the Mende African ethnic stock. According to Clyde A. Winters and other writers (see Clyde A. Winters website), the Mende script was discovered on some of the ancient Olmec monuments of Mexico and were found to be identical to the very same script used by the Mende people of West Africa. "
Go to http://www.raceandhistory.com/historicalviews/ancientamerica.htm
Go to http://www.raceandhistory.com/historicalviews/ancientamerica.htm
Black Indians (Afro-Native Americans)
"African and Native American interaction began even before Europeans brought African slaves to the Americas. Free Africans reached the shores of the American continent as traders and settlers long before Europeans arrived. In 1975, 2 Negroid skeletons were found in the U.S. Virgin Islands. One wore a pre-Columbian Indian wrist band. They were found in layers dated to about A.D. 1250. In 1974, Polish craniologists revealed that no fewer than 13.5% of the skeletons from the pre-Columbian Olmec cemetery of Tlatilco were Negroid.1
"Later, when African slaves were brought to the Americas, they mixed with indigenous peoples from North America to South America. In the early days of slavery, indigenous peoples of the Americas and Africans were enslaved together. Sometimes, African slaves escaped to Native American villages on various parts of the American continent."
Go to http://www.colorq.org/MeltingPot/America/BlackIndians.htm
"Later, when African slaves were brought to the Americas, they mixed with indigenous peoples from North America to South America. In the early days of slavery, indigenous peoples of the Americas and Africans were enslaved together. Sometimes, African slaves escaped to Native American villages on various parts of the American continent."
Go to http://www.colorq.org/MeltingPot/America/BlackIndians.htm
A Stinging Indictment from Native Black Africans
Is he right or is he wrong?
"In North America, black Americans constitute the only group of blacks in diaspora with sufficient clout, credibility and experience to help their black brothers and sisters in Africa in their struggle forfreedom. The experience gained in the civil rights struggle in the 1960s could have been helpful to black Africans but, in practice, turned out to be more of a hindrance.
"Black Americans HELPED with the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. They tended to see the campaign against apartheid as an extension of their own civil rights struggle. This was understandable since the oppressors and exploiters in both cases were white, theoppressed and exploited, black. But many Africans saw apartheid as merely a special case of the oppression that was rampant across the continent. Further, the analysis of African problems in a rigid "civil rights" or black-white paradigm was not appropriate. In black Africa color was not the issue. Blacks ruled themselves. Although in the past their oppressors and exploiters were white colonialists, today they are black. Perhaps, the innocent oversight of this fundamental difference rendered many black Americans extremely hostile to the notion that some black African leaders head more ruthlessly oppressive regimes than the apartheid system in South Africa, notwithstanding the fact that apartheid is institutionalized.
"It is also true that in the 1950s black Americans provided vital support to Africans in the liberation struggle against colonialism. In recent times, black Americans have been indefatigable in the campaign for one-man, one-vote for blacks in South Africa. But to the blacks in independent Africa fighting for the same political rights, black Americans have offered little or no support....
"... While black American leaders were at the forefront of calls for immediate democratic reform in South Africa, when it comes to black Africa those same black Americans say it is not America's business to interfere -- even when the victims are Africa's black masses.
"...But no one in that congregation of civil rights leaders, which included Coretta Scott King and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, talked about the rising slaughter of blacks in West Africa and the senseless civil wars which had produced mounting refugees and grisly spectacles of emaciated bodies of famine victims. Not one single black American civil rights leader condemned Arab apartheid in Mauritania and Sudan and the present-day enslavement of blacks by Arab masters.
"Unfortunately, black Americans are not well informed about events in Africa and myths and misconceptions about the continent still persist in the black, as well as the white, American community....
"Asked about political turmoil and carnage in these black African countries, Benjamin Hooks, director of the NAACP--the world's largest civil rights organization, replied that 'there is little black Americans could or should do directly to help foster or affect political change in Sub-Saharan Africa . . . I don't think it is our business to meddle in their affairs.' Said one incredulous Ivorian student: 'I wish some of these (black) Americans would take to the streets with us instead of supporting the old order' (Washington Post, April 18, 1991; p.A41). A more searing query came from a Liberian exile in the Ivory Coast: 'Why have you black Americans let us down?' (Washington Post, April 20, 1991;p. A18).
"We as Africans need to take a hard look at our relationships with the leadership of the African Americans . . . The African must necessarily become his own advocate. To date, the advocacy of issues relating to Africa has been carried out by groups of African Americans who least understand the issues, or present them from a historical perspective and only as it relates to the issues of racism in America, or from their narrow business interests.
"There are four psychological differences between black Americans and black Africans. The first pertains to the nature of the "enemy." Throughout their historical experience, black Americans have only seen white oppressors and exploiters, whereas black Africans have seen both white and black oppressors and exploiters. Therefore, black Africans have no difficulty condemning the white racists of South Africa as vehemently as the black tyrants of independent Africa. Black tyranny is something black Americans have never experienced and therefore cannot relate to.
"Second, most black Americans tend to see racism as their primary obstacle against advancement. This is not the case in black Africa where blacks rule blacks and there are few whites. Tribalism is the problem in black Africa -- a scourge which black Americans do not understand.
"Third, having been shut out of the white government in American for centuries because of alleged racial inferiority, black Americans obtain the vicarious gratification of seeing a black president ruling a black African nation. This explains the tendency of some black Americans to embrace black African despots -- even Idi Amin -- regardless of their misrule.
"Fourth, in their civil rights struggle in the 1960s, black Americans looked up to the government (or Congress) for political emancipation. Congress passed the civil rights act and enacted various legislative measures (affirmative action, welfare, desegration laws, etc.). Thus, while most black Americans tend to see the government as the solution, most black Africans tend to see their corrupt, brutal and incompetent governments as the problem.The attitudes and perspectives of black Americans are understandable, as well as their emotional need to re-connect with their ancestral Motherland. But their monopolization or appropriation of the African agenda creates enormous difficulties for those black Africans struggling against tyranny. Perhaps a solution to this problem is to let black Africans speak for themselves and for black Americans to do the listening. If black Americans wish to help Africa today, they should side or work with the African PEOPLE, not the corrupt and tyrannical leaders. This is where the distinction between leaders and the PEOPLE is important.
Go to http://www.edofolks.com/html/pub161.htm
Well, Brothers and Sisters. What is the next step to fix the situation? How much love to we have for Black Africans?
"In North America, black Americans constitute the only group of blacks in diaspora with sufficient clout, credibility and experience to help their black brothers and sisters in Africa in their struggle forfreedom. The experience gained in the civil rights struggle in the 1960s could have been helpful to black Africans but, in practice, turned out to be more of a hindrance.
"Black Americans HELPED with the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. They tended to see the campaign against apartheid as an extension of their own civil rights struggle. This was understandable since the oppressors and exploiters in both cases were white, theoppressed and exploited, black. But many Africans saw apartheid as merely a special case of the oppression that was rampant across the continent. Further, the analysis of African problems in a rigid "civil rights" or black-white paradigm was not appropriate. In black Africa color was not the issue. Blacks ruled themselves. Although in the past their oppressors and exploiters were white colonialists, today they are black. Perhaps, the innocent oversight of this fundamental difference rendered many black Americans extremely hostile to the notion that some black African leaders head more ruthlessly oppressive regimes than the apartheid system in South Africa, notwithstanding the fact that apartheid is institutionalized.
"It is also true that in the 1950s black Americans provided vital support to Africans in the liberation struggle against colonialism. In recent times, black Americans have been indefatigable in the campaign for one-man, one-vote for blacks in South Africa. But to the blacks in independent Africa fighting for the same political rights, black Americans have offered little or no support....
"... While black American leaders were at the forefront of calls for immediate democratic reform in South Africa, when it comes to black Africa those same black Americans say it is not America's business to interfere -- even when the victims are Africa's black masses.
"...But no one in that congregation of civil rights leaders, which included Coretta Scott King and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, talked about the rising slaughter of blacks in West Africa and the senseless civil wars which had produced mounting refugees and grisly spectacles of emaciated bodies of famine victims. Not one single black American civil rights leader condemned Arab apartheid in Mauritania and Sudan and the present-day enslavement of blacks by Arab masters.
"Unfortunately, black Americans are not well informed about events in Africa and myths and misconceptions about the continent still persist in the black, as well as the white, American community....
"Asked about political turmoil and carnage in these black African countries, Benjamin Hooks, director of the NAACP--the world's largest civil rights organization, replied that 'there is little black Americans could or should do directly to help foster or affect political change in Sub-Saharan Africa . . . I don't think it is our business to meddle in their affairs.' Said one incredulous Ivorian student: 'I wish some of these (black) Americans would take to the streets with us instead of supporting the old order' (Washington Post, April 18, 1991; p.A41). A more searing query came from a Liberian exile in the Ivory Coast: 'Why have you black Americans let us down?' (Washington Post, April 20, 1991;p. A18).
"We as Africans need to take a hard look at our relationships with the leadership of the African Americans . . . The African must necessarily become his own advocate. To date, the advocacy of issues relating to Africa has been carried out by groups of African Americans who least understand the issues, or present them from a historical perspective and only as it relates to the issues of racism in America, or from their narrow business interests.
"There are four psychological differences between black Americans and black Africans. The first pertains to the nature of the "enemy." Throughout their historical experience, black Americans have only seen white oppressors and exploiters, whereas black Africans have seen both white and black oppressors and exploiters. Therefore, black Africans have no difficulty condemning the white racists of South Africa as vehemently as the black tyrants of independent Africa. Black tyranny is something black Americans have never experienced and therefore cannot relate to.
"Second, most black Americans tend to see racism as their primary obstacle against advancement. This is not the case in black Africa where blacks rule blacks and there are few whites. Tribalism is the problem in black Africa -- a scourge which black Americans do not understand.
"Third, having been shut out of the white government in American for centuries because of alleged racial inferiority, black Americans obtain the vicarious gratification of seeing a black president ruling a black African nation. This explains the tendency of some black Americans to embrace black African despots -- even Idi Amin -- regardless of their misrule.
"Fourth, in their civil rights struggle in the 1960s, black Americans looked up to the government (or Congress) for political emancipation. Congress passed the civil rights act and enacted various legislative measures (affirmative action, welfare, desegration laws, etc.). Thus, while most black Americans tend to see the government as the solution, most black Africans tend to see their corrupt, brutal and incompetent governments as the problem.The attitudes and perspectives of black Americans are understandable, as well as their emotional need to re-connect with their ancestral Motherland. But their monopolization or appropriation of the African agenda creates enormous difficulties for those black Africans struggling against tyranny. Perhaps a solution to this problem is to let black Africans speak for themselves and for black Americans to do the listening. If black Americans wish to help Africa today, they should side or work with the African PEOPLE, not the corrupt and tyrannical leaders. This is where the distinction between leaders and the PEOPLE is important.
Go to http://www.edofolks.com/html/pub161.htm
Well, Brothers and Sisters. What is the next step to fix the situation? How much love to we have for Black Africans?
African press condemns Zimbabwe
African papers condemn President Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwe government over the beating of opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, hoping this might signal the beginning of the end for the government. The papers call for this to be brought about by African leaders, the Zimbabwean people or a combination of both.
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6453701.stm
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6453701.stm
Mugabe tells critics to 'go hang'
Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe has said Western critics of his rule can "go hang", in response to accusations of mistreatment of opposition leaders.
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6454827.stm?ls
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6454827.stm?ls
Ivorian women 'forgotten victims'
Sexual violence against women in Ivory Coast's conflict has been ignored, says Amnesty International in a new report.
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6453123.stm
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6453123.stm
Obasanjo's Legacy to Nigeria
When President Olusegun Obasanjo leaves office at the end of May, Nigeria would have achieved its first democratic transfer of power from one civilian administration to another - in spite of the reluctance of the outgoing administration.
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6412971.stm
Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6412971.stm
Thursday, March 15, 2007
On Barack: An Open Letter and Invitation to Thoughtful Brothers And Sisters In America
She said it, I didn't:
"For example, how does a white man who signed the deeply disparate crack-cocaine bill into law, introduced a devastating crime bill that further entrenched the prison industrial complex at the expense of black communities and black political power everywhere, oversaw the murder of more people on death row during his presidency than any president in the history of our country, completely dissed and dismissed our sister Lani Guinier, who would have been an amazing Attorney General for our country and for our community, purely for the sake of political expediency, get to be donned the 'First Black President'? Is our loyalty so easily spawned because one acts like a 'pimp,' plays the saxophone and visits a few pulpits? I am absolutely amazed at the absence of critical black analysis about Clinton’s performance in office while Brother Barack has to be hyper-analyzed, criticized and have his thumbnails extricated for DNA samples before we’ll believe he’s one of 'us.'"
Go to http://youngphillypolitics.com/barack_open_letter_and_invitation_thoughtful_brothers_and_sisters_america
"For example, how does a white man who signed the deeply disparate crack-cocaine bill into law, introduced a devastating crime bill that further entrenched the prison industrial complex at the expense of black communities and black political power everywhere, oversaw the murder of more people on death row during his presidency than any president in the history of our country, completely dissed and dismissed our sister Lani Guinier, who would have been an amazing Attorney General for our country and for our community, purely for the sake of political expediency, get to be donned the 'First Black President'? Is our loyalty so easily spawned because one acts like a 'pimp,' plays the saxophone and visits a few pulpits? I am absolutely amazed at the absence of critical black analysis about Clinton’s performance in office while Brother Barack has to be hyper-analyzed, criticized and have his thumbnails extricated for DNA samples before we’ll believe he’s one of 'us.'"
Go to http://youngphillypolitics.com/barack_open_letter_and_invitation_thoughtful_brothers_and_sisters_america
The War on Barack Obama
"Barack Obama will not ever be all things to all people and will be raked over the coals for it. He will never be 'Black enough' to appease African-Americans and will always be 'too Black' to everyone else, as evidenced by their denigrating references of 'Black candidate' instead of 'candidate.'"
Go to http://mokellyreport.blogspot.com/2007/02/war-on-barack-obama.html
Go to http://mokellyreport.blogspot.com/2007/02/war-on-barack-obama.html
A White African American - "Not Black enough"
Even if he was 100% Black, I mean DARK SKIN, he still would not be "Black enough." Go to my post on "Black American from Africa offers his view on Obama's 'blackness.'"
Native Black Africans are being treated by Black Americans as "not Black enough" or not even Black at all.
Go to http://africancrisis.org/ZZZ/ZZZ_News_006529.asp
Native Black Africans are being treated by Black Americans as "not Black enough" or not even Black at all.
Go to http://africancrisis.org/ZZZ/ZZZ_News_006529.asp
I'm going off.
Go to a post further down on "My Challenge to the Reparations Movement" for more details.
I wrote someone who is rather prominent in the movement on the slaughter of Black Africans in Sudan and said:
"As I said, it seems the movement cares more about dead Africans (ancestors) than live Africans. At this rate, we will have many more dead Africans to care about.
I really believe that we have a secret belief that Blacks have the right to kill other Blacks, but Whites do not have that right.
I even wonder if we hated White Europeans more than we loved Black South Africans during apartheid, the hatred being the fuel to action and not the love. Because when apartheid ended, we quickly forgot about them."
Go to a post further down on "My Challenge to the Reparations Movement" for more details.
I wrote someone who is rather prominent in the movement on the slaughter of Black Africans in Sudan and said:
"As I said, it seems the movement cares more about dead Africans (ancestors) than live Africans. At this rate, we will have many more dead Africans to care about.
I really believe that we have a secret belief that Blacks have the right to kill other Blacks, but Whites do not have that right.
I even wonder if we hated White Europeans more than we loved Black South Africans during apartheid, the hatred being the fuel to action and not the love. Because when apartheid ended, we quickly forgot about them."
"One thing that has really gotten up my ass over my whole life is being told at least twice a year by fellow highly rhythmic individuals that I am 'not Black enough.' It happened again while I was in Westport, an observation voiced by a guy on line behind me at the place where I get the chili dogs that I love, inspired by hearing me place my order. 'Nigga,' he said, 'You sho’ ain’t Black, talkin’ like you do!'”
Go to http://buncheness.blogspot.com/2006/10/on-not-being-black-enough.html
Go to http://buncheness.blogspot.com/2006/10/on-not-being-black-enough.html
Black Like Me?
"What does it mean to be black, and who is the arbiter of authentic blackness?"
Go to http://www.afroarticles.com/article-dashboard/Article/Black-Like-Me-/13691
Go to http://www.afroarticles.com/article-dashboard/Article/Black-Like-Me-/13691
Black American from Africa offers his view on Obama's 'blackness'
From a man born in Uganda (can you get any Blacker than that?) now a naturalized American:
"I, too, have been told that I am not a true black American. But who sets the bar? Who defines what it means to be a black American?"
Go to http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2007/03/01/EDGRJN7A981.DTL
"I, too, have been told that I am not a true black American. But who sets the bar? Who defines what it means to be a black American?"
Go to http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2007/03/01/EDGRJN7A981.DTL
"And why isn't the junior senator from Illinois earning his certificate in Official Blackness™? "
Go to http://poplicks.com/2007/02/barack-be-real-black-for-me.html
Go to http://poplicks.com/2007/02/barack-be-real-black-for-me.html
When 'black' apparently was not quite black enough
"Denys Blell saw the advertisement and thought the job description fit him like a glove. He has a master's degree in African and Afro-American history. That spring, he was associate vice president for academic affairs and diversity at the University of South Florida. He had held the job for eight years.
"Blell is, by birth, African-Lebanese. In the American shorthand, some might refer to him as a black man. But, according to Blell, Loyola College did not find him black enough."
Go to http://www.papillonsartpalace.com/whben.htm
"Blell is, by birth, African-Lebanese. In the American shorthand, some might refer to him as a black man. But, according to Blell, Loyola College did not find him black enough."
Go to http://www.papillonsartpalace.com/whben.htm
Is Hillary Black Enough?
"One Clinton supporter on the scene was quick to note that Hillary’s Florida roots go so deep that 16 years ago she was in the state campaigning for her husband’s presidential campaign — while Obama was still a student in law school."
Therefore Hillary got Blackenized and is Black enough to be our second Black president.
Go to http://news.yahoo.com/s/cq/20070221/pl_cq_politics/craigcrawfordstrailmixishillaryblackenough
Therefore Hillary got Blackenized and is Black enough to be our second Black president.
Go to http://news.yahoo.com/s/cq/20070221/pl_cq_politics/craigcrawfordstrailmixishillaryblackenough
Black Enough For Ya?
"As a black immigrant and a Haitian-American who has lived in the country for 37 years, I know how it feels to have my blackness challenged by native-born blacks.
"It makes me angry. I’m angry for Obama, too. People are asking whether he’s black enough to represent them. I ask, black enough by whose standards?"
"Who's the Keeper of the Blackness?" -- Sinbad
Go to http://bloodthirstyliberal.com/?p=2125
"It makes me angry. I’m angry for Obama, too. People are asking whether he’s black enough to represent them. I ask, black enough by whose standards?"
"Who's the Keeper of the Blackness?" -- Sinbad
Go to http://bloodthirstyliberal.com/?p=2125
Full Version: Epson 4800 - blacks not black enough
Go to http://luminous-landscape.com/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t11976.html
Oops. This is about printers.
Oops. This is about printers.
Not Black Enough -- Albinos in Africa
"Africa's albinos are perhaps the last minority group to find a voice. Treated like outcasts from birth, albinos are shunned and even murdered. But now, albinos are mobilising, starting in Zimbabwe. Tichaona Zinhumwe reports.
"ALBINOS in Zimbabwe complain that they are despised and shunned by other Zimbabweans because of their skin colour and, generally, treated like second-class citizens.
"Very few Zimbabweans accept albinos, says Dr John Makumbe, founder member of a new trust that sets out to help albinos. 'Traditionally albinos used to be killed and ostracised like lepers,' recalled Makumbe, who is an albino.
"According to Makumbe and other albinos, the discrimination starts from birth, and even today, albinos are still treated like social outcasts. The persecution, Makumbe said, is more noticeable during childhood. 'When I went to school the other children refused to share the desk or books with me,' he said.
"'Even now, if I happen to be the first passenger, the bus has to be full for someone to join me on the seat. If they sit with me they desperately avoid to be in contact with me.'
"The university lecturer explained that people often shun albinos - people with pale skin, hair and eyes due to lack of colouring matter - because of society's uninformed fear that albinism is infectious. Discrimination against albinos is also prevalent in different forms within the public and private sectors. Makumbe recalled that he had to fight 'very hard' to receive full pension benefits after he joined the government Public Service in 1982.
"He was put on a restricted pensions benefit scheme when he joined the civil service, while everybody else received their full benefits. As a result of Makumbe's struggle, all albinos now in the Public Service receive full pension benefits.
"The Albino Trust of Zimbabwe (ATZ) was formed recently in the Zimbabwean capital to provide a forum for albinos to have a voice. ATZ also aims to protect albinos against persecution and to assist them with funds for health care. According to Makumbe, who is a Political Science Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, one in every 5000 school children in Zimbabwe is an albino. Translated on a national level, this would mean that two in every 10,000 people in the country of about 11.5 million is an albino, he added.
"The Trust has embarked on a vigorous educational and sensitisation campaign through the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation's (ZBC) Radio Four Educational Channel.
According to Dr Isdore Pazvakavambwa, the Trust has to counter a host of traditional beliefs and myths surrounding albinos. For example, he said, many women still spit when they see an albino. 'This bad habit is prevalent among women who believe if they don't spit, they will have an albino child,' he said.
"And when a woman does give birth to an albino child, she may be branded as an adultress by her family. ''My uncles and my late father believed that me and my brother were children of sin, born out of extra-marital affairs,' said Letwin Karombo, adding that her mother was accused of having an affair with a white man.
"Richard Nyathi, head librarian in the Ministry of Trade and Commerce whose albino brother died of skin cancer three months ago, said that the new organisation should explore ways to help albinos to access good health care. Many albinos, he added, cannot even afford sun cream lotions which protect their skin from the sun's rays.
"Nyathi said the Trust should also encourage employers to not discriminate against albinos. ''If they call you for a job interview and discover you are an albino they will not give you the job, because they fear you might put off their clientele,' he said, recalling incidents when potential employers turned him away because of his skin colour.
"David Chimhini, the Executive Director of Zimrights, a human rights group here, said his organisation will support the Trust in its efforts to protect the rights of albinos. He also urged albinos in Zimbabwe to report any violation of their rights to his organisation and called on society to accept albinos as equal citizens.
'''Albinism is just a genetic disorder and not a disease as some of our people think,'''' he said. IPS/Misa, November 26 1996)"
"Africa's albinos are perhaps the last minority group to find a voice. Treated like outcasts from birth, albinos are shunned and even murdered. But now, albinos are mobilising, starting in Zimbabwe. Tichaona Zinhumwe reports.
"ALBINOS in Zimbabwe complain that they are despised and shunned by other Zimbabweans because of their skin colour and, generally, treated like second-class citizens.
"Very few Zimbabweans accept albinos, says Dr John Makumbe, founder member of a new trust that sets out to help albinos. 'Traditionally albinos used to be killed and ostracised like lepers,' recalled Makumbe, who is an albino.
"According to Makumbe and other albinos, the discrimination starts from birth, and even today, albinos are still treated like social outcasts. The persecution, Makumbe said, is more noticeable during childhood. 'When I went to school the other children refused to share the desk or books with me,' he said.
"'Even now, if I happen to be the first passenger, the bus has to be full for someone to join me on the seat. If they sit with me they desperately avoid to be in contact with me.'
"The university lecturer explained that people often shun albinos - people with pale skin, hair and eyes due to lack of colouring matter - because of society's uninformed fear that albinism is infectious. Discrimination against albinos is also prevalent in different forms within the public and private sectors. Makumbe recalled that he had to fight 'very hard' to receive full pension benefits after he joined the government Public Service in 1982.
"He was put on a restricted pensions benefit scheme when he joined the civil service, while everybody else received their full benefits. As a result of Makumbe's struggle, all albinos now in the Public Service receive full pension benefits.
"The Albino Trust of Zimbabwe (ATZ) was formed recently in the Zimbabwean capital to provide a forum for albinos to have a voice. ATZ also aims to protect albinos against persecution and to assist them with funds for health care. According to Makumbe, who is a Political Science Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, one in every 5000 school children in Zimbabwe is an albino. Translated on a national level, this would mean that two in every 10,000 people in the country of about 11.5 million is an albino, he added.
"The Trust has embarked on a vigorous educational and sensitisation campaign through the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation's (ZBC) Radio Four Educational Channel.
According to Dr Isdore Pazvakavambwa, the Trust has to counter a host of traditional beliefs and myths surrounding albinos. For example, he said, many women still spit when they see an albino. 'This bad habit is prevalent among women who believe if they don't spit, they will have an albino child,' he said.
"And when a woman does give birth to an albino child, she may be branded as an adultress by her family. ''My uncles and my late father believed that me and my brother were children of sin, born out of extra-marital affairs,' said Letwin Karombo, adding that her mother was accused of having an affair with a white man.
"Richard Nyathi, head librarian in the Ministry of Trade and Commerce whose albino brother died of skin cancer three months ago, said that the new organisation should explore ways to help albinos to access good health care. Many albinos, he added, cannot even afford sun cream lotions which protect their skin from the sun's rays.
"Nyathi said the Trust should also encourage employers to not discriminate against albinos. ''If they call you for a job interview and discover you are an albino they will not give you the job, because they fear you might put off their clientele,' he said, recalling incidents when potential employers turned him away because of his skin colour.
"David Chimhini, the Executive Director of Zimrights, a human rights group here, said his organisation will support the Trust in its efforts to protect the rights of albinos. He also urged albinos in Zimbabwe to report any violation of their rights to his organisation and called on society to accept albinos as equal citizens.
'''Albinism is just a genetic disorder and not a disease as some of our people think,'''' he said. IPS/Misa, November 26 1996)"
Obama Wouldn't Be First Black President
Obama is not Black enough but Bill Clinton was Black enough. Huh?
Go to http://www.diversityinc.com/public/1461.cfm
Go to http://www.diversityinc.com/public/1461.cfm
Obama Not Black Enough to Be President?
"...but then i examine both their premises and conclusions and realize a major flaw in judgement, and even a mere arrogance, ignorance or simply a profound sense of stupidity."
Go to http://ourcount.blogspot.com/2007/02/obama-not-black-enough-to-be-president.html
Go to http://ourcount.blogspot.com/2007/02/obama-not-black-enough-to-be-president.html
Black America's real issue with Barack Obama
It's not the color purple...
Go to http://www.guerrillanews.com/headlines/13191/Black_America_s_real_issue_with_Barack_Obama
Go to http://www.guerrillanews.com/headlines/13191/Black_America_s_real_issue_with_Barack_Obama
"Your blackness is constantly being challenged. Whether it be the clothes you wear, the people you hang with, or the way you talk, there are always going to be people who think you are just 'not black enough' or maybe you are just 'too black.'"
Go to http://www.students.emory.edu/FIRE/feb-96/p9.html
Go to http://www.students.emory.edu/FIRE/feb-96/p9.html
Famous Movie Quote -- Bamboozled
"I don't want anything to do with anything black for at least a week."
-- Pierre Delacroix (Damon Wayans) from the Spike Lee joint Bamboozled
-- Pierre Delacroix (Damon Wayans) from the Spike Lee joint Bamboozled
Barack encounters a strange double standard
"To be fair, these questions about Obama’s 'blackness' are not originating from white opposition to Obama. A few black writers and leaders are raising the question: Is Barack black enough? Put him in a three year old Toyota and send him driving in an all white upper middle class neighborhood and see how long it takes before he is pulled over by the police. Or let’ s put him out front of the Indy airport among similarly dressed white guys and see if it takes him longer to get a cab. Let’s change his name to George Jefferson, and have him apply for a mortgage on a $100,000 home in a predominately black neighborhood and see if he has any problems getting the loan. In those situations, I’ll bet he is black enough"
Go to http://blogs.tribstar.com/tomsteiger/?p=46
Go to http://blogs.tribstar.com/tomsteiger/?p=46
Black Enough After All
"Winning wasn't easy for Booker, thanks to his complexion. He's black, but has been criticized for having light skin. Anti-Booker signs urged people to 'vote black.'"
Go to http://www.moonbattery.com/archives/2006/05/cory_booker_bla.html
Go to http://www.moonbattery.com/archives/2006/05/cory_booker_bla.html
Black enough
"One of the insidious rituals any high-profile African American must endure in order to establish his or her credibility with some other African Americans is show that are 'down with the brothers and the sisters.'”
Go to http://hoosierdiary.blogspot.com/2007/01/black-enough.html
Go to http://hoosierdiary.blogspot.com/2007/01/black-enough.html
Obama Isn't Black Enough
"I was going to vote for John Edwards, but he just isn't white enough."
Go to http://premaritalsax.blogspot.com/2007/02/obama-isnt-black-enough.html
Go to http://premaritalsax.blogspot.com/2007/02/obama-isnt-black-enough.html
Obama Critics- "Not Black Enough"
"For once, the black community has a real choice to make. They can continue to back the promoters of hate, entitlement and dependency, or they can follow hope and responsibility for their own destiny. Hopefully Obama will have the courage to stand down these bitter blackmailers and continue to be his own man, and continue to pursue a vision that includes everyone in the country he seeks to lead. If Al Sharpton hates him, that's a pretty good endorsement to me. It will be very interesting to see the reaction of millions of Americans of mixed race to hearing that they are 'not black enough' to be included in the community of color."
Go to http://forum.minneapolisfinder.com/about1860.html
Go to http://forum.minneapolisfinder.com/about1860.html
When black isn't black enough
Is you is or is you ain’t black.
"Lungrin and her friends feel that it is often hard to connect mentally with an educated black person. She says she sees these types of people as sellouts to the black community."
Therefore they are saying: "Getting A's and B's is for White folks and Uncle Toms. Real Black folks 'pose to get D's and F's and flunk out. That is being true to your Black race. Everybody knows real Black people ain't educated! We need to march and protest Black folks being educated. "Down with Education! Keep Ignorance Alive! Stay on the plantation where you belong!"
(I bet if you needed a Black doctor, lawyer, or a dentist, you would appreciate an educated one.)
"With more opportunities now available for black people, it is a shame that instead of taking advantage of them, we shun them because of our own narrow-mindedness."
Go to http://silverchips.mbhs.edu/inside.php?sid=590
"Lungrin and her friends feel that it is often hard to connect mentally with an educated black person. She says she sees these types of people as sellouts to the black community."
Therefore they are saying: "Getting A's and B's is for White folks and Uncle Toms. Real Black folks 'pose to get D's and F's and flunk out. That is being true to your Black race. Everybody knows real Black people ain't educated! We need to march and protest Black folks being educated. "Down with Education! Keep Ignorance Alive! Stay on the plantation where you belong!"
(I bet if you needed a Black doctor, lawyer, or a dentist, you would appreciate an educated one.)
"With more opportunities now available for black people, it is a shame that instead of taking advantage of them, we shun them because of our own narrow-mindedness."
Go to http://silverchips.mbhs.edu/inside.php?sid=590
Black Enough?
"Black enough? What the hell does that mean? I have been reading a few articles online about is Obama black enough to pull in the Black vote for being the next president of the USA. Again what the hell does that mean? Is this because he's articulate, dresses well and is intelligent that means he's not Black enough? If you look at that question more closely, then does this mean that to speak badly, dress sloppily and act stupid is to be Black? I don't think so. I have heard 50 cent as well as Juvenile make some awful statements about Oprah and her 'acting white." What does that mean? I guess they want her talk slang and "bust caps" on her talk show. Ridiculous. Troubling times, troubling times. That is all."
If I wanted to be an internationally famous rap artist, I would name myself "Billion Dolla."
50 Cent can shop at a 99 Cent store.
Go to http://centralliving.blogspot.com/2007/02/black-enough.html
If I wanted to be an internationally famous rap artist, I would name myself "Billion Dolla."
50 Cent can shop at a 99 Cent store.
Go to http://centralliving.blogspot.com/2007/02/black-enough.html
Are you black enough in Brazil?
"We have no idea really who is black and who is not. This is Brazil."
Go to http://www.gnxp.com/MT2/archives/000659.html
Go to http://www.gnxp.com/MT2/archives/000659.html
Sorry if I'm not "black enough" for you.
"We aren't born with a 'handbook for negros.'"
Go to http://www.xomba.com/sorry_if_im_not_black_enough_for_you
Go to http://www.xomba.com/sorry_if_im_not_black_enough_for_you
"For centuries American culture has stereotyped black Americans, but equally devastating have been the constraining and often contradictory definitions of 'blackness' African Americans have imposed on each other. The right attire; hair from 'conk' to Afro; ghetto slang or 'proper' speech; 'true' black religion versus the false; macho man or super woman; authentic, Afro-centric, or Euro-centric; sexuality and gender roles: Each one of these has been used as a litmus test in defining the real black man and the true black woman. But is there an 'essential' black identity? Can blackness be reduced to a single acceptable set of experiences that African Americans should share or even aspire to?"
"Who's the Keeper of the Blackness?" -- Sinbad
Go to http://www.itvs.org/external/BIBA/
"Who's the Keeper of the Blackness?" -- Sinbad
Go to http://www.itvs.org/external/BIBA/
On Barack: An Open Letter
"Is our loyalty so easily spawned because one acts like a 'pimp,' plays the saxophone and visits a few pulpits? I am absolutely amazed at the absence of critical black analysis about Clinton's performance in office while Brother Barack has to be hyper-analyzed, criticized and have his thumbnails extricated for DNA samples before we'll believe he's one of 'us.'
"Al Sharpton, you are absolutely right that everyone who looks like 'us' is not one of 'us' - at least to the extent that you mean not all black people work for what's in the collective best interest of black people (that is, if such a collective interest still exists - which is another discussion altogether) - but when did you become the blackometer?"
"So, forgive me for being just a bit skeptical of those black politicians (who reside in key states - e.g., Brother Al and South Carolina State Senator Robert Ford) whose primary critiques are that Barack just may not be black enough or, even better, that America's just not ready for a black President, so they can gain the political spoils and spotlight press of selling out a brother early and often. "
Go to http://www.blackprof.com/archives/2007/03/on_barack_an_open_letter.html
"Al Sharpton, you are absolutely right that everyone who looks like 'us' is not one of 'us' - at least to the extent that you mean not all black people work for what's in the collective best interest of black people (that is, if such a collective interest still exists - which is another discussion altogether) - but when did you become the blackometer?"
"So, forgive me for being just a bit skeptical of those black politicians (who reside in key states - e.g., Brother Al and South Carolina State Senator Robert Ford) whose primary critiques are that Barack just may not be black enough or, even better, that America's just not ready for a black President, so they can gain the political spoils and spotlight press of selling out a brother early and often. "
Go to http://www.blackprof.com/archives/2007/03/on_barack_an_open_letter.html
What does it mean if students are not 'Black enough' for Smith?
"I find myself here identifying not only as a woman, a Black woman, a Black woman who wants to acknowledge all of her other ethnicities, but also as one of those Black women at Smith who is not 'Black enough.'"
Go to http://www.smithsophian.com/home/index.cfm?event=displayArticlePrinterFriendly&uStory_id=c55e9154-65e5-4f63-971a-c28afa6e5ced
Go to http://www.smithsophian.com/home/index.cfm?event=displayArticlePrinterFriendly&uStory_id=c55e9154-65e5-4f63-971a-c28afa6e5ced
Colbert questions Obama's 'blackness'
"In this video clip, Stephen Colbert points out that Barack Obama has referred to himself as a 'black candidate.' Colbert's guest, Debra Dickerson, disagrees with Obama's description of himself and says that in the American political context, Obama is not black."
Is she kidding?
Is she kidding?
What is a Hoe?
When I was little a hoe was a tool that you used in a garden.
Today a hoe is a tool that you use in a bed.
Today a hoe is a tool that you use in a bed.
Am I "Black Enough"? (or, What Would Dr King Think?)
From "The Gunfighter":
"Unfortunately, there are those in the black community… people I refer to as "the gatekeepers of blackness" ("The Black Taliban" -- Ed.) that would tell you that I am most certainly NOT black enough.....
"According to them, I should dress a certain way, and certainly should NOT wear a kilt ....
"According to them, I'm not supposed to read a lot, unless it is something from Michael Eric Dyson or Terry McMillan (who isn't much of an author, in my opinion)).
"According to them, I should regard the recent writings of authors such as Juan Williams, Debra Dickerson (who I'm having problems with now because she does not believe Barack Obama is Black -- Ed.), and John McWhorter, as the raving of a few self-loathing 'house niggers'... and I must certainly not entertain the comments made by Bill Cosby over the past few years as having any validity....
"There are lots of black people like me, made unwelcome by many in our own community, that live 'the black experience' every day. To the 'gatekeepers', I am putting you on immediate notice: Neither I, nor my philosophical kin need your permission to enter the gate. We are as black as you, and are truly the standard bearers for the best and brightest that we have to offer in this country."
And a response:
"Man, I feel you. I told some of my friends in the Michael Eric Dyson fan club that I read Juan Willam's books and got the death look. The problem the African American community seems to have is the lack of allowing people to be outside of the box they want to put you in. Listen to this music, go to this Church, vote for this party, etc., etc. (There goes the Black Taliban again. -- Ed.)
"Reminds me of when i was on a bus back in my youth with my 'people.' I had just bought some vinyl albums. I had George Clinton, Michael Jackson AND Adam Ant and Peter Gabriel, after the later two were seen I was told for days at school that I was 'Not Black Enough'? Pray for our people..."
Go to http://gunfightersview.blogspot.com/2007/01/am-i-black-enough-or-what-would-dr-king.html
"Unfortunately, there are those in the black community… people I refer to as "the gatekeepers of blackness" ("The Black Taliban" -- Ed.) that would tell you that I am most certainly NOT black enough.....
"According to them, I should dress a certain way, and certainly should NOT wear a kilt ....
"According to them, I'm not supposed to read a lot, unless it is something from Michael Eric Dyson or Terry McMillan (who isn't much of an author, in my opinion)).
"According to them, I should regard the recent writings of authors such as Juan Williams, Debra Dickerson (who I'm having problems with now because she does not believe Barack Obama is Black -- Ed.), and John McWhorter, as the raving of a few self-loathing 'house niggers'... and I must certainly not entertain the comments made by Bill Cosby over the past few years as having any validity....
"There are lots of black people like me, made unwelcome by many in our own community, that live 'the black experience' every day. To the 'gatekeepers', I am putting you on immediate notice: Neither I, nor my philosophical kin need your permission to enter the gate. We are as black as you, and are truly the standard bearers for the best and brightest that we have to offer in this country."
And a response:
"Man, I feel you. I told some of my friends in the Michael Eric Dyson fan club that I read Juan Willam's books and got the death look. The problem the African American community seems to have is the lack of allowing people to be outside of the box they want to put you in. Listen to this music, go to this Church, vote for this party, etc., etc. (There goes the Black Taliban again. -- Ed.)
"Reminds me of when i was on a bus back in my youth with my 'people.' I had just bought some vinyl albums. I had George Clinton, Michael Jackson AND Adam Ant and Peter Gabriel, after the later two were seen I was told for days at school that I was 'Not Black Enough'? Pray for our people..."
Go to http://gunfightersview.blogspot.com/2007/01/am-i-black-enough-or-what-would-dr-king.html
Rev. Jackson claims "Obama isn't Black Enough"
"Jackson stated 'He talks funny. You know, like a white guy. He's got no shucking and jiving. He only uses one vowel at a time when he's speakin'. He don't use no, like, Yoooo maaaan. He's more of a Yes Sir. He always using proper, punctuated English. He's never going to get the brother vote like that and white folks ain't going to like him trying to be like them. He needs to use his color more. And two weeks in the Bahama sun wouldn't hurt either. He needs a deeper tan. People like to see things in black and white. People don't see his dark side because he doesn't have one."
Go to http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s2i14900
"Jackson stated 'He talks funny. You know, like a white guy. He's got no shucking and jiving. He only uses one vowel at a time when he's speakin'. He don't use no, like, Yoooo maaaan. He's more of a Yes Sir. He always using proper, punctuated English. He's never going to get the brother vote like that and white folks ain't going to like him trying to be like them. He needs to use his color more. And two weeks in the Bahama sun wouldn't hurt either. He needs a deeper tan. People like to see things in black and white. People don't see his dark side because he doesn't have one."
Go to http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s2i14900
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BlackMag BlackHistory
Booker T. Washington said:
"There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs....There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who do not want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public."