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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

URGENT: Just Suppose It Was Not Genocide....

"While there is a general consensus in the international community that ethnic groups have been targeted and that crimes against humanity have therefore occurred, there has been debate in some quarters about whether genocide has taken place. In May 2006, the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur organized by United Nations "concluded that the Government of the Sudan has not pursued a policy of genocide ... [though] international offences such as the crimes against humanity and war crimes that have been committed in Darfur may be no less serious and heinous than genocide."[1] Eric Reeves, a researcher and frequent commentator on Darfur, has questioned the methodology of the commission's report.[2]"

Let us suppose that it was not genocide. Then we have just your regular run-of-the-mill, common, everyday crimes against humanity and war crimes. That is still much worse than apartheid. Thousands of Black Africans are still being murdered.

Why are we not hitting the streets like we did when apartheid in South Africa was going on? We were marching, protesting, getting arrested, etc. Remember that? I'm proud of the African Americans who are protesting in front of the Sudanese Embassy and other places, and even getting arrested just as Congressman Bobby Rush and actor Danny Glover has been. But in general, why have we been asleep?

When Whites were involved in doing their apartheid thing, didn't we really get upset? We were ready to fight! But Whites are not slaughtering Blacks in Sudan. Blacks are slaughtering Blacks in Sudan. And I do not see many of us upset about that, do you?

Do we have this secret belief that Blacks have the right to kill other Blacks, but Whites do not have that right?

Which of these two headlines upset you more?:



If you said, "the white one," I highly suggest that you check yourself, even pray. I asked a friend of mine the same thing. She said, "the white one," and admitted there was something wrong with her thinking. Another friend said both headlines upset her. That was the right answer.

I only changed one word. Mass murder is just as dead and just as tragic no matter who caused it. Ask the Tutsis who survived in Rwanda.

White South African Apartheid Against Blacks = Organizing, Marching, Protesting, etc.
Black Sudanese Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Against Blacks = Yawning, Ignorning, Ho-Humming, etc.

Am I right or am I wrong?

Are we hoodwinking ourselves? Have we been had, but are we doing it to ourselves? Have we been took, but are we taking ourselves? Are we leading ourselves astray, run amuck? Are we bamboozling ourselves?

Please pretend that the government in Sudan is White.

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