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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Blacks and the Democratic Party

"The media-made black 'leaders' of today, who have no job as such, other than in the civil rights industry (and yes, it is a very lucrative industry), are little more than front men for the Democratic Party. The constant refrain from these charlatans is to affirm to Black Americans how 'good' the Democrats are and how 'evil' the Republicans are. This lie is repeated ad-nauseam and unfortunately, far too many African Americans lack the sophistication and intellectual acuity to see behind the blatant political maneuvers of the Democratic party. These black leaders are wheeled out as if on cue, by some of the most powerful corporations in the nation (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, TIME, etc, of which many are owned by defense contractors, banks and other powerful interests which historically have kept blacks out of their own corporate Board rooms) to enumerate to the nation at large the virtues of supporting Democratic candidates. This is especially true when donations to democratic candidates by Corporate America are significant or when other political and economic agendas of the Democratic Party line up with what these Corporations want.

"Keeping Blacks under control seems also to be a key purpose of some of these media-made black leaders. Repeatedly, Blacks vote by reflex for candidates which are all 'fire and brimstone' with their rhetoric about racism at election time and then, after all the votes are counted, 'forget' their promises to Black Americans. This is because the Democratic Party knows full well regardless of what the Democratic party does, even if its policies are overtly racist, Democratic party elders know how successful the rattling the sabers of , "the Republicans are racist!!" is at election time. This, they have shown time and time again, will ensure the vast majority of Blacks will vote Democrat regardless of the Democratic Party record in office. A perfect example was during the 1992 election, Clinton promised to bring in the Black Haitians who were drowning in makeshift rafts in the ocean, he chided Bush for his policies of not letting them in the US. President-Elect Clinton, (after the votes were counted) did not even wait to get inaugurated to break the promise he made to Black Americans, yet and still Blacks flocked to Clinton with the emotional intensity and intellectual vacuity of a teenager's adoration for a pop-star. It is difficult to say specifically what Clinton has actually done in eight years to help blacks out. He has given us much warm talk and some interesting round-table discussions, but when it comes to the, What did he actually do? The answer is… very little. He can get away with this, as do most Democrats, because he knows no matter what he does, Black Americans will vote Democrat. As if stuck in a rut or a possessing a nervous twitch that can't be stopped, most Blacks have so identified with the Democrats that some of the less intellectually endowed African Americans believe, that to be Black is to be Democrat!! This is the slave mentality if there ever was one. To be a free human being requires independent thought. Any person who gives up that right for a collective reflex is in the process of unwittingly giving up his or her freedom to the people he or she has sworn such blind allegiance to.

"Blacks did not gain their freedom in an intellectual vacuum nor will they keep it in one. Remaining free and moving ahead in the civil-rights and constitutional-rights struggle means forsaking the methodologies of the past that have not worked and embrace something new. Something that is intellectually, morally and spiritually sound, rather than simply politically correct."

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Booker T. Washington said:

"There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs....There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who do not want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public."

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