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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Rev. Jesse Jackson Corrects A Popular Notion

"Let’s dispel the foolishness of that. Clinton was a White president,” says Jackson."

Another thing. That article says: "...former President Bill Clinton, was also inducted into the National Voting Rights Museum''''s Hall of Honor as part of the commemorative activities."

That is very interesting because: "Bill Clinton, for starters, approaches this matter in mud-soaked boots. As recalled on December 22, then-Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. 'Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,' the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989. It added: 'the evidence at the trial was indeed overwhelming that the Voting Rights Act had been violated.'

"A three-judge federal panel ordered Clinton and Arkansas's then-Attorney General Steve Clark and then-Secretary of State William J. McCuen to redraw electoral districts to maximize black voting strength."

"Deval Patrick was a young lawyer for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund when he sued the Governor of Arkansas in a voting rights case. That governor -- Bill Clinton -- later appointed him Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights -- making him the top civil rights enforcement officer in the United States....'My first experience with the voting rights act was as a young lawyer with the NAACP legal defense fund. I joined the fund about a year after the act was reauthorized. It had been in effect for twenty years already. And yet we had to sue the then-governor of Arkansas to challenge barriers to registering that persisted. That's how I first met the man I would serve as president."

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