The story of how one of the most feared witch doctors in Haiti heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and dedicated his life to serving Him.
For more information about the conversion of Jacques the feared voodoo witch doctor please go to
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
Conversion Of A Voodoo Witch Doctor
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The "I'm a Christian. Check Out My Cross, Homie." Game
Many famous people wear the cross around their necks or tattoo it somewhere on their body but do not glorify God in their body. Let's not do the same.
What does the Cross mean exactly?
"...without the shedding of blood, there is no remission (forgiveness) of sins."
(Hebrews 9:22)
Only by the shed blood of Jesus Christ does ANYONE have remission for their sins. There's no other way to the Father but by Him. EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES in Him shall never perish but have eternal life. (Note that it doesn't say EVERYONE in general, but EVERYONE WHO BELIVES and repents.
In this clip from Hell's Bells 2 by Eric Holmberg and The Apologetics Group, the issue of how the Cross is portrayed in modern society versus what it truly means is exposited. You can get the full DVD at the Apologetics Group's Official Website .
Friday, May 25, 2007
9/11 -- Evidence of Controlled Demolition
"It has now been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the collapse of the twin towers and WTC 7 was an act of deliberate arson and not as a result of fires from crashing planes.
"Jones' evidence offers no other conclusion that insiders planted thermite devices within the buildings to literally pulverize the supporting columns and cause the collapse of the towers and also WTC 7. Debunkers have uniformly failed to address the existence of thermite and also molten metal at the ground zero site because they cannot dismiss the scientific proof, and are forced to resort to ad hominem insults and smears.
"We are issuing a challenge to Popular Mechanics to rebut Professor Jones' analysis of the sphere samples and the clear evidence of thermate at the World Trade Center. Address the focused scientific proof without resorting to ad hominem attacks or straying off topic."
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From March 8, 2002 -- Just wondering
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
BET unveils massive lineup
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Wilson's death leaves casting gap
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Opinion: How Falwell resembled Farrakhan
"In that sense, I am stricken by his similarities to another conservative religious extremist I have known for more than two decades: Minister Louis Farrakhan."
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The N-word syndrome… 400 years of machiavellianism
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Official Identity Theft
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UN troops 'traded gold for guns
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Darfur diary: Indian perspective
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Caught On Tape: 91-Year-Old WWII Vet Beaten
"He also said it is a sad state of society that there were so many people standing by watching and not doing anything."
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
State Report: African-Americans Lose Faith in Public Education
“'I was very involved, and I’m not talking about just helping with homework or weekly meetings with their teachers. I mean sending emails to their teachers every single day,' she says. Sykes saw firsthand what happened to the African-American children in her school district who didn’t have this kind of parental involvement. 'They were ignored.' Sykes says that she has completely lost faith in the public school system’s ability to serve African-American children like her own."
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Link between race, hazardous-waste sites still strong
"The problem is more entrenched in metropolitan Phoenix, where 63.7 percent of the residents living in neighborhoods adjacent to hazardous-waste facilities are of color, according to the new report commissioned by the United Church of Christ. Nationally, the figure is 56 percent.
"Black and Latino residents are more likely than Anglos to live next to facilities storing the most dangerous types of wastes. They are exposed in disproportionate numbers to the potential health and safety risks of living next to volatile chemicals."
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United States of Africa is the aim
"Fifty ministers are discussing methods of achieving political and economic integration on the continent, which would end with the formation of a union in Africa along the lines of the European Union."
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Cult Leader Yahweh Ben Yahweh Dies Of Prostate Cancer
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Russell Simmons Issues Apology to Obama, Clarifies Kucinich 'Endorsement'
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
A Million Moderate Muslims on the March
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Oh Please!!!!!

'I propose a North American Community'
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Goodbye U.S. dollar, hello global currency
In the article, 'The End of National Currency,' Steil clearly asserts the dollar and the euro are temporary currencies, perhaps necessary today. He argues 'economic development outside the process of globalization is no longer possible.'
"His inevitable conclusion is 'countries should abandon monetary nationalism.'"
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Bush OKs 'integration' with European Union
"President Bush signed an agreement creating a 'permanent body' that commits the U.S. to 'deeper transatlantic economic integration,' without ratification by the Senate as a treaty or passage by Congress as a law.
The 'Transatlantic Economic Integration' between the U.S. and the European Union was signed April 30 at the White House by Bush, German Chancellor Angela Merkel – the current president of the European Council – and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso.
The document acknowledges 'the transatlantic economy remains at the forefront of globalization' arguing that the U.S. and the European Union 'seek to strengthen transatlantic economic integration.'
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Court ruling does support incest, polygamy
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Monday, May 7, 2007
Critics blame Recording Industry for degradation of black women
"'They are funded by the record companies,' says activist Al Sharpton, who vowed to hold record companies accountable for degrading lyrics after he led protests that got talk show host Don Imus fired. 'There are many people on the board who are in the record companies who could make the decision to stop using the words rather than pressuring people not to play the words that they're using and manufacturing.'"
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R-Rated Movies Dominate Production but Continue Losing Market Share

"Highly offensive R-rated films like BORAT and JACKASS: NUMBER 2 had low budgets and large returns this year, but they are exceptions. The big story on R-rated movies is that while production remains nearly the same, market share continues to drop. The more good quality G, PG and PG-13 product being offered, the more the R-rated market suffers. Foreign car makers gained American market share because their cars were seen as better quality. The key to achieving high market share in the motion picture industry is to make quality entertainment that appeals to a broad audience. The real magic happens when people are entertained enough to pay more than once to see the same movie.
"R ratings cut the broadness of the audience even if the quality of the movie is excellent. Many appeal only to small audience segments. This is particularly true of independent art house movies aimed at homosexuals, extreme liberals and other small groups. Many of these movies are made by activists for activists with little regard for profit."
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the groovy black and white man

D.C. Circuit: Congressman had no right to leak phone call
"In a 5-4 opinion in Boehner v. McDermott, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that McDermott, a Washington Democrat, should not have given reporters access to the taped telephone call.
"McDermott’s offense was especially egregious since he was a senior member of the House ethics committee, the court ruled."
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
RZA: "Rappers are glorifying their hell."

"'Now, out of nine Wu-Tang members, seven are felons... We were the problem of our communities, but we never bragged about it. We kept moving on about life,' he continued. "But right now, these hip-hoppers are stuck on one thing. They stuck on sex and violence and drugs and partying. Life is way more than that. Especially the day after the party ends. When you get the f**k up the next day, what you gonna do?"
Al Sharpton Decency March: Where was Hip Hop at?
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Oprah Endorses Obama
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Obama criticizes African-American community
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Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton: Barack Swipes the Hollywood A-List
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Republicans defect to the Obama camp
Go to,20876,21680676-2703,00.html
Thursday, May 3, 2007
National ID card a disaster in the making
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
ICC issues Darfur arrest warrants
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Former NU Student, Author Confronts Use Of "N" Word
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Nationwide Financial Study Shows More Than 70 Percent of African-American Males Retire for Reasons Beyond Their Control
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The Black Mexico Homepage
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Illegal immigration hurts African Americans; Vanderbilt professor believes Congressional Black Caucus is ignoring the issue
NAACP to give 'n-word' a funeral
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Obama gains on Clinton in US presidential race
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Monday, April 30, 2007
Hillary: Repubricans are rike Godzirra
"Last week, at a National Action Network meeting, with Al Sharpton right next to her, Hillary pulled out her fake accent once again, culminating in the assumption that all blacks are maids for white people.
"'We have ta reform our government. The abuses that have gone on in the last six years – I don' think we know the half of it yet. You know, when I walk into the Oval Office in January of 2009, I'm afraid I'm gonna lift up the rug and I'm goin' to see so much stuff uhn-der thar … You know, what is it about us always havin' to clean up after people? … But this is not just going to be pickin' up socks off the floor. This is going to be cleanin' up the government.'
"Ouch. If there's ever a movie made about Hillary's presidential run, it should be called 'White Candidates Can't Jump.'"
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Jason Whitlock: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton Are 'Terrorists'
"And in an appearance on Tucker Carlson's show on MSNBC, Whitlock lashed out at Imus's two harshest critics, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Whitlock said, 'I would say to CBS, don't negotiate with terrorists, because that's what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are.'"
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This is only satire.
Rev. Al Sharpton Withdraws Antonio 'L.A.' Reid Honor
Reverend Al Sharpton has called his off plans to honor record label executive Antonio 'L.A.' Reid, because he fears being called a hypocrite. "
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Obama Appears to be 'Black Enough'
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Poll shows Obama lead here outstrips Hillary's in N.Y.
Go to,301MLR1.article
Obama No. 1? One poll says so
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Khartoum booms as Darfur burns
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Sudan ready for new Darfur talks
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World rallies for Darfur action
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Cops Admit to Planting Marijuana on 92-Year-Old Woman Killed in Botched Drug Raid
"Assistant U.S. Attorney Yonette Sam-Buchanan said Thursday that although the officers found no drugs in Johnston's home, Smith planted three bags of marijuana in the home as part of a cover story."
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Stay connected to us - and get so much more - with the Chittlin' Talk Community Toolbar!

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No spyware, no adware. Stay in touch with Chittlin' Talk and even listen to radio online no matter where you are on the net.
Friday, April 27, 2007
PACs tied to Sudan gave $580k
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I've been fighting for blacks all along, Bam tells Al group
The Massacre of the Pulpit
"In contrast, gays already are a formidable force in the legal arena and courts are often extremely deferential to their cases. Additional protection for gays is not necessary. This legislation will not just over-protect them, it will bring the threat of invasive, governmental interference with the doctrines and practice of the Church. We have faced the removal of crosses and commandments from every public facility; this same pressure could be felt within the four walls of the church."
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African Americans can discard harmful baggage
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Still separate after all these years
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This Gangsta Stuff & Russell's Call For Change
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Jesse Jackson Targeted At GE Shareholders Meeting Over 2002 Slick Rick Appearance

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Sudanese want action on Darfur
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Study links private schools, religion and better marks for lagging students
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Fire hip-hop offenders too
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Rappers' mantra protects killers

Black critics of Imus are hypocrites
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Report: Black Family Channel Closing
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Urban film genre develops
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"The Inherent Racism of Population Control"
European Parliament Passes Resolution Vowing to Take 'Homophobic' Countries to Court
"A vote was held today to approve an EP resolution chastising Poland for 'homophobia.' The resolution - adopted by 325 votes to 124, with 150 abstentions - calls for a fact-finding mission to be sent to Poland, for 'worldwide de-criminalisation of homosexuality' and for the Commission to take Member States to court if they breach their EU obligations."
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Ban on 'mom' and 'dad' considered – again
- 'Mom' and 'dad' and 'husband' and 'wife' would have to be edited from all texts.
- Cheerleading and sports teams would have to be gender-neutral.
- Prom kings and queens would be banned, or if featured, would have to be gender neutral so that the king could be female and the queen male.
- Gender-neutral bathrooms could be required for those confused about their gender identity.
- A male who believes he really is female would be allowed into the women's restroom, and a woman believing herself a male would be allowed into a men's room.
- Even scientific information, such has statistics showing AIDS rates in the homosexual community, could be banned.
"'It's embarrassing that we've got kids who can't pass their exit exams, but we add all sorts of complications [to school],' she told WND."
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Loyalty, fear stop info flow
"There were several reasons for her silence, among them fear and loyalty."
Go to enough: advocate speaks out against hip-hop violence, misogyny
"The AC360 piece covers the murder of Israel Ramirez, a bodyguard for the rap star Busta Rhymes, who was gunned down last year. There were more than 20 people who witnessed the murder, including Busta Rhymes, and no one has come forward, according to New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who said that some who were interviewed simply said that 'I have to work in this business' as a reason for not speaking to police. Of course that’s nothing new, since neither the murders of Tupac Shakur (1996) and the Notorious B.I.G. (1997) are also unsolved because of a lack of people willing to come forward.
"Cooper interviewed a group of inner city teens and pre-teens about 'snitching' and you see the depth of the problem, the unbelieveable cultural reinforcement that allows the lawlessness to continue. Police brutality, the lack of response when police are called, the clear gulf of opportunity between rich and poor have all contributed to the creation of this toxic social stew."
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JOHN MCWHORTER COMMENTARY: Great Society Begets Bad Society

"Asserts the moderate-liberal commentator: 'On "60 Minutes" last Sunday, rapper Cam'ron told Anderson Cooper that he would not inform the police if a serial killer were living next door to him, as it would alienate his fan base. The "stop snitching" Zeitgeist has become a shibboleth of being "down with" your people in poor black neighborhoods and refusing to give the police information about a black-on-black homicide, even if you witnessed it. This version of black identity has become so entrenched over the past few years that it is making it ever harder for investigators to crack murder cases. Using this technique as a means to stop racism is as misguided as it is easy. Police brutality was much worse in the past, and the war on drugs is old news. The current "stop snitching" notion is, quite simply, a subcultural fashion of the moment. It is also a facet of a larger phenomenon: a sense among black teens and 20-somethings that being aggressive toward the opposition is the soul of being authentic. There has been this element in the black community since the 1960s, but these days, it is so deeply felt that it is tacitly approved to place anti-authoritarian sentiment over saving black lives.'"
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Democratic lawmaker seeks to impeach Cheney
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US gives Sudan Darfur 'ultimatum'
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Anti-snitch campaign riles police, prosecutors
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Al Sharpton Plans Next Move Against Rap, Obama: 'Let's Not Single Out The Rappers'

"Sharpton and his National Action Network are planning on purchasing stock in various companies, including Time Warner and Universal Music Group, and will then use his right to attend shareholder meetings, where he will voice his opinion on lyrics deemed raunchy and sexist. "
Obama wins campus Democrats’ straw poll
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Pastors: Act now or prepare for jail
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Obama pulls even with Clinton in White House race
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Hip-hop's Simmons wants to remove offensive words
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Obama’s Rise Strains Loyalty on Clinton Turf
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Go Down Death! (1944) -- VIDEO
Go watch, go to
Hidden Facts of the History of Black America
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The truth about fake news. Believe it.
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Change your thoughts and changer your life
Proverbs 23:7 says "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. The late British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said: "Nurture great thougts, for you will never go higher than your thoughts." Auther John C. Maxwell says in his book Thinking for a Change: "Unsuccessful people focus their thinking on survival. Average people focus their thinking on maintenance. Successful people focus their thinking on progress."
What is the total mindset of the African American community today? Is the majority thinking about survival, thinking about maintenance, or thinking about progress? What are the results? I sthe majority surviving, maintaining, or progressing? The most important question is what category does the reader choose to leave and what category he or she chooses to move into? What category will he or she teach his or her children to be in for a lifetime? You change your thoughts and you change your life. Take what you can get in ways that are legal and moral.
Don't get what you are allowed to have.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
DNA Test Clears Man Who Served 25 Years For Rape
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'HIV chasing' a trend in gay community
"The 20-year-old man, who does not want to be named, told Fairfax newspapers both complacency about the virus and the wish to have unprotected sex with an HIV-positive man he was in love with led him to become infected."
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Is this a "deathwish"?
Worker fired after posting picture of Jesus
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The picture was in her cubicle. If they were offended, they did not have to look.
What is up with these "girly-men" politically correct office policies?
U.S. economy poised for nose dive
Supremes gives reason for hope
"Disappointing, however, is that what we have is a decision that only touches how an abortion may be done, not whether it may be done. The brutal and inhuman procedure that is banned – partial delivery and then destruction of the unborn child – accounts for a small percentage of the almost 1 million abortions that are now being done each year."
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For some eyeopening facts, go to
Black critics of Imus are hypocrites
"I am more offended when a black man refers to a black woman as a 'nappy-headed ho' than I am when a Don Imus does so. When I taught at historically black Stillman College in Alabama, I regularly heard male students refer to their female schoolmates as 'nappy-headed hos' and other names.
"Until we, black people, stop insulting and abusing ourselves, we are fair game for others to insult and abuse us. We have only ourselves to blame for the mainstreaming of 'nappy-headed hos.'”
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Koch Blasts Sharpton In Rev's Own House
Clintons Butter Up Sharpton For Endorsement

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Larry Elder: Our nation's selective outrage
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Sharpton, Hip-Hop Execs. Clash Over Rap Lyrics
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Friday, April 20, 2007
Boortz, who's said congresswoman "looks like a ghetto slut," blasted "denigration of black women through rap music"
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Hil & Obama got help from foul musicians
"'I do think we've seen a coarsening of the culture,' Obama told The Associated Press afterward.
"'I think that we have not talked enough about the harmful images and messages that are sent,' he said.
"'I think that all of us have become a little complicit in this kind of relaxed attitude toward some pretty offensive things,' he said. 'And I hope this prompts some self-reflection on the part of all of us.'"
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American Nazi Had a Secret

"But Wild Bill took a secret with him to the grave, one he couldn't share with his NSM buddies. Wild Bill, an icon of white supremacy, was himself (to find out go to
House passes bill to give D.C. and Utah new House seats
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Rap Mogul Takes On Obama
"But Simmons disputed Obama's contention that Imus' comments were in any way similar to those heard in rap music.
"'People who are angry, uneducated and come from tremendous struggle, they have poetic license and they say things that offend you,' Simmons said. 'You have to talk about the conditions that create those kinds of lyrics. When you are talking about a privileged man who has a mainstream vehicle and mainstream support and is on a radio station like that you have to deal with them differently.'"
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PLEASE go to the THUGWATCH section on this site and you will see the "poverty and ignorance" in the lyrics to the rap songs.
Getting Out to Get a Vote
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The Shameful Lynching of America by Al Sharpton
"And, the proof is in the pudding in how Snoop Dogg and Stuart Scott contradict one another, and these are two highly visible Blacks. If they can’t agree what the word, “hoe” means, then how in the hell can Don Imus be expected to know every proper contextual use of slurs? Again, it must be because he’s not Black....
"Sharpton has been shaming people in America in the same manner as a fraudulent shrink would falsely tell a woman she was raped as a child to continue earning counseling fees for repetitive counseling sessions. And, much like a woman who is duped into thinking she’s a victim, Sharpton has managed to counsel the Rutgers women’s basketball team into a collective hive of victims. If you don’t believe me, then ask Snoop Dogg and Stuart Scott why they completely contradict Sharpton’s own interpretation of Imus’ words.
"Instead of teaching young Americans that sometimes, people act stupidly and then when they realize they did something wrong and forgive them, Sharpton wants Black America to remain hateful, angry, and hurt so that he can remain relevant to today’s society. Without all the firebomb threats and violent protests, Sharpton is nothing but a two-bit pimp and ambulance chaser, waiting for the next racial situation for him to exploit for his own material gain. Like a bad shrink or a neighborhood pimp, Sharpton needs to be removed from the public eye.
"And, I’ve got one more thing to say to Black America: yes, you were exploited as slaves; yes, you’ve had some difficulties with oppression and discrimination; and yes, it makes you look like fools when Snoop Dogg and Stuart Scott completely contradict themselves and Al Sharpton. Maybe the truth is really that you’re not as much of a victim as you might think and just maybe, it’s time for you to get over the idea of being a perpetual victim you’ve been shamed into believing by the likes of Sharpton."
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'Unimaginable suffering' now gripping Darfur
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Real Facts about Hip Hop, the Music Industry & Black Folks By Pearl Jr.
"I'm asking all those who watched Oprah not to get confused with their mind-twisting fast-talking bullying tactics that was force-feeding everyone to look everywhere else but inside themselves to make that change; they are their own man in the mirror, who hold the power to rid our lives of the mental trash that cleverly deceived us with beats that were given to us as gifts from our ancestors to be used for loving and healing purposes.
"I must disagree with a popular notion that negative lyrics sell. No, the consumer bought the beat and the groove and was tricked into condoning and repeating lyrics that commonly used the rhythms of nursery rhymes to convince us that being horrible human beings would render us massive rewards. The glamorizing of despicable language such as nigga, bitch and ho could have only involved the work of the devil who is THE master of deception.
"What is missing are all the non-Black record company owners and executives that hated Black people while smiling in their faces telling them that they will pay them riches for putting down Black people and lying to Black people telling them over and over and over again what is wrong is right."
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Zimbabwe: Defiant voices of victims and eye witnesses of Mugabe's terror campaign
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Democrats scramble to court Sharpton
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Are You A Hip-Hop Apologist?
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The Fuzz was his Cuz at one time?
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They are selling us out....
According to a Drudge Report article of April 20, 2007 ( "Rap star Cam'ron says there's no situation -- including a serial killer living next door -- that would cause him to help police in any way, because to do so would hurt his music sales and violate his 'code of ethics.' Cam'ron, whose real name is Cameron Giles, talks to Anderson Cooper for a report on how the hip-hop culture's message to shun the police has undermined efforts to solve murders across the country. Cooper's report will be broadcast on 60 MINUTES Sunday, April 22 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
"'If I knew the serial killer was living next door to me?' Giles responds to a hypothetical question posed by Cooper. 'I wouldn't call and tell anybody on him -- but I'd probably move,' says Giles. 'But I'm not going to call and be like, "The serial killer's in 4E.:"' ( For an excerpt of Giles' interview, click here....
"Rappers appear to be concerned about damaging what's known as their 'street credibility,' says Geoffrey Canada, an anti-violence advocate and educator from New York City's Harlem neighborhood. 'It's one of those things that sells music and no one really quite understands why,' says Canada. Their fans look up to artists if they come from the 'meanest streets of the urban ghetto,' he tells Cooper. For that reason, Canada says, they do not cooperate with the police.
Canada says in the poor New York City neighborhood he grew up in, only the criminals didn't talk to the police, but within today's hip-hop culture, that's changed. 'It is now a cultural norm that is being preached in poor communities....It's like you can't be a black person if you have a set of values that say "I will not watch a crime happen in my community without getting involved to stop it,"' Canada tells Cooper.
Young people from some of New York's toughest neighborhoods echo Canada's assessment, calling the message not to help police 'the rules' and helping the police 'a crime' in their neighborhoods. These 'rules' are contributing to a much lower percentage of arrests in homicide cases -- a statistic known as the 'clearance rate' -- in largely poor, minority neighborhoods throughout the country, according to Prof. David Kennedy of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. 'I work in communities where the clearance rate for homicides has gone into the single digits,' says Kennedy. The national rate for homicide clearance is 60 percent. 'In these neighborhoods, we are on the verge of -- or maybe we have already lost -- the rule of law,' he tells Cooper.
"Says Canada, 'It's like we're saying to the criminals, "You can have our community....Do anything you want and we will either deal with it ourselves or we'll simply ignore it."'"
Let me get this straight. You mean the code of ethics in some Black neighborhoods is to let the criminals reign? They would not help the police if their mother was jacked in an alley or if a grandmother was killed? I cooperated with the police after I was robbed at gunpoint on my own front porch in 2005. Was I selling out or "betraying my Blackness"? (By the way, the police I talked to were all Black.) Does that mean that in certain neighborhoods I could not trust my neighbors to keep the neighborhood safe?
I keep saying at this rate the KKK will go out of business because their services will not needed anymore. There are Blacks are doing their job for them.
Who are the real sellouts?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Jesse Jackson feels the heat as political rival steals his thunder, and mistress
"The gamble paid off. Not only did Karin Stanford - Mr Jackson’s former mistress and the mother of his two-year-old love child, Ashley - accept Mr Sharpton’s invitation to join him at the private party, she also took a swipe at her old flame by telling guests: 'Sharpton is the only civil rights leader I respect and support.'"
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The Organizers of the 1963 March for Jobs and Freedom in Washington, D.C.